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    Become a GMIC Patron by taking out an annual subscription. GMIC needs members willing to support the forum so that it remains a FREE resource for all. Annual membership subscription available.

    Advertising Now Available

    GMIC Advertising Space Now Available to Purchase. Commercial and Private Advertisements available for members now.

    Enamel Members Pin Badge

    Available in limited numbers. Enamel.GMIC Membership pin badge now for sale. Please support the forum and continue making it a free resource for all. Discount for certain Membership Groups.

    New Forum Upgrade Please Read

    This announcement is no longer active


    Thank you for your patience whilst the forum is in the process of being upgraded. Members need to be aware that they can now only log on using their public display name. The facility to log on with a separate user name is no longer functioning. 

    This is a major overhaul of the system which allows us to future proof GMIC.Rather than take the forum off line for an extended period of time I am working on the upgrade on a daily basis. However there is only one person working on this and I have a busy day job so pleas understand this is going to take a few weeks to get right. 

    Some of the issues which are known and I am working on:

    The forum is a lot slower: That is because the upgrade process is still ongoing in the background, hundreds of thousands of posts are being rebuilt this will take some time to finish.

    Images are not showing:  The images are all there rest assured. However all the posts need to be rebuilt so it is taking a while for them to reappear. All new posts will show images correctly and eventually all older posts will again show images.

    The forum colour keeps changing to a blue theme: This is the default basic software colour theme. For periods during the upgrade the forum will revert to this theme and then back to the default GMIC colours. Please be patient it is not a new theme and is only temporary.




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