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    Become a GMIC Patron by taking out an annual subscription. GMIC needs members willing to support the forum so that it remains a FREE resource for all. Annual membership subscription available.

    Advertising Now Available

    GMIC Advertising Space Now Available to Purchase. Commercial and Private Advertisements available for members now.

    Enamel Members Pin Badge

    Available in limited numbers. Enamel.GMIC Membership pin badge now for sale. Please support the forum and continue making it a free resource for all. Discount for certain Membership Groups.

    Upgrade Progress: Image Posts

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    I know a lot of you have been as frustrated as I have been about the forum upgrade. The upgrade is still very much ongoing and the images are being reloaded back into posts. The process which reloads the images is a background process which is running rather slowly due to the size of the database. This process stalled and had to be restarted hence the delay. However you will start to see that some images have already been rebuilt in the more historic posts and over the course of the next few days all should be completed.

    There is still a lot of work to do on the forum, so please  notify me of any other problems as you find them. Once completed there will be a significant improvement to how GMIC operates but like most progress, the initial jump is never easy. So please stick with it.


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