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    New to Collecting DDR

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    My name is Scott and I'm a new collector of East German Uniforms. That's all I'm collecting with nothing else. I used to collect a little bit of everything in Third Reich militaria but it seems impossible to acquire a "collection" and the amount of fakes is ridiculous. In addition I'm only a teenager with a limited budget. So, after about a month of researching through various forums (including this one), speaking with many collcetors and dealers, and reading up on the events of the Cold War I've made the change. Eventually I'll have to sell off all of my Third Reich stuff, which I will work on but for now I'm working on acquiring my reference materials and the first piece to my collection.

    I want to achieve a collection that will be a great display piece in my home. For now, I can store uniforms in a closet, but later I will purchase mannequins and hopefully have a designated "uniform room." I'm not concerned with collecting everything, as some are dull, some are junk, and some are way out of my price range. I will however be purchasing quality uniforms that appeal to me, although I want less common material, I'm surly going to buy an army raincoat pattern uniform. :D

    I've already spoken with Paul R, Hauptman, and Gordon Craig and am getting the gist of things. If anyone has any advice, offers, or just wants to talk with a newb on DDR uniforms send me a message. I'm also active on the militaria collecting forums and the DDR Gun boards as Coinguy89. Thanks! I hope to be a regular.

    Edited by Coinguy89
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    Hello Scott ,

    Welcome to the forum !

    I,m not a uniform nut i concentrate on medals and awards but i got a great welcome into the DDR fold , the other collectors on here are very helpful and knowledgable and a great asset to this forum on the DDR .

    I was the same i collected 3rd reich awards got fed up with the high prices and fakes so i took a side step into 1957 awards which i collected for a few years but they have begun to shoot up and i had to sell my collection for a new motorcycle , i wanted to collect again but on a low budget so East German is ideal at the moment .

    Looking forward to seeing your new uniforms on here .

    Cheers :cheers:

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    Welcome, Scott :cheers:

    If you don?t know already, check german ebay for DDR-stuff. there is quite a lot offered.

    You at the right place with some experienced DDR-collectors like Grant, Paul, Gordon and Dan(Hauptmann) and others... :beer:


    Edited by Gerd Becker
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