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    List of Indonesian Satyalancana


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    this is a list of Indonesian Satyalancana, i hope it useful for those who interested or collecting Indonesian ODM, sorry for no picture..:speechless:

    Satyalancana for Civilian:

    a. Satyalancana Perintis Kemerdekaan 1 and 2;

    For founder or leader of the movement that resulted in national consciousness and / or enterprising and active work towards it and therefore get the punishment from the colonial government or continuously active oppose colonial occupation and not against the Republic of Indonesia.

    b. Satyalancana Pembangunan;

    For helping the development of nation in general or particular areas.

    c. Satyalancana Wira Karya;

    For great and excellent work for the nation and being an example to others.

    d. Satyalancana Kebaktian Sosial;

    For excellency and outstanding contribution in humanity action and development.

    e. Satyalancana Kebudayaan;

    For excellency and outstanding contribution in cultural action and development.

    f. Satyalancana Pendidikan;

    For excellency and outstanding contribution in education service and development.

    g. Satyalancana Karya Satya;

    For excellent civil servant in service for long time.

    h. Satyalancana Dharma Olahraga;

    For outstanding action and helping development in sport.

    i. Satyalancana Dharma Pemuda;

    For outstanding youngman that involves in developing young generation

    j. Satyalancana Kepariwisataan;

    For outstanding service and development in tourism.

    k. Satyalancana Karya Bhakti Praja Nugraha;

    For excellent work in local governmental duties (in provincional/regencional areas)

    l. Satyalancana Pengabdian;

    For Police loyalty and long service (8, 16, 24, and 32 years)

    m. Satyalancana Bhakti Pendidikan;

    For Police (or other civilian) that involves in Police education and training

    n. Satyalancana Jana Utama;

    For Police excellency in duties and outstanding performances

    o. Satyalancana Ksatria Bhayangkara;

    For Police in carrying out police duties both field operations and field development and meet the requirements of professionalism and professional ethics that affect the progress of the Police.

    p. Satyalancana Karya Bhakti;

    a. Police members who actively participate in activities that produce tangible and memorable works that have an impact on the progress and development of the Police; or

    b. Indonesians non members of the Police and the foreigners who actively participate in helping police duties in all areas that produce tangible and memorable work for progress and development of the Police.

    q. Satyalancana Operasi Kepolisian;

    For successful and outstanding performance in a police operation

    q. Satyalancana Bhakti Buana;

    For a member of Police who has done the international police mission abroad by showing discipline and responsibility

    r. Satyalancana Bhakti Nusa;

    For member of the Police who have been carrying out basic tasks on the border and / or remote area region of the Republic of Indonesia

    t. Satyalancana Bhakti Purna.

    For police veteran who had serviced in police forces at least 30 years

    Edited by kapten_windu
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    Satyalancana for Military:

    a. Satyalancana Bhakti;

    Wound medal

    b. Satyalancana Teladan;

    Soldier excellency in work and mission

    c. Satyalancana Kesetiaan;

    For loyalty and long service (8, 16, 24, 32 years)

    d. Satyalancana Santi Dharma;

    For accomplished mission abroad

    e. Satyalancana Dwidya Sistha;

    For military educator or instructor

    f. Satyalancana Dharma Nusa;

    For contributed in a military mission within the Indonesian territory

    g. Satyalancana Dharma Bantala;

    For army veteran who had serviced in army forces at least 30 years

    h. Satyalancana Dharma Samudra;

    For navy veteran who had serviced in navy forces at least 30 years

    i. Satyalancana Dharma Dirgantara;

    For air force veteran who had serviced in air forces at least 30 years

    j. Satyalancana Wira Nusa;

    For mission of keeping in the outer islands

    k. Satyalancana Wira Dharma;

    For mission of keeping and securing nation borders or remote areas.

    l. Satyalancana Wira Siaga;

    For guarding president and vice president

    m. Satyalancana Ksatria Yudha.

    a. shows the dedication, skill, and discipline in carrying out specific tasks in a special unit for minimum of 2 (two) years continuously or 3 (three) years are not continuous; or

    b. extraordinary instrumental in carrying out specific tasks on specific unity, good exercises as well as specific high-risk tasks that can lead to psychiatric disorders, physical disability, or death.

    there also some special satyalancana for campaigns (GOM I-IX)

    Edited by kapten_windu
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    note: after 1999, Police forces is included in civil, not military anymore..

    this is just a simple list i taken from gov't regulation on ODM..


    Hi Hugh, thanks for your input..!!

    I take this list according to Government Rule no 35 tahun 2010 about revision on ODM

    Satyalancana means round shaped medal (well, some of them are oval/edged but whatever:speechless:)

    Satyalancana’s degree is below the star and tanda kehormatan (I’ll list them next time,starting tomorrow I have final exams for this semester)

    Satyalancana Panja Warsa probably discontinued because there is Jana Utama that has almost same function with it, the differences: Panja Warsa required 5 years service and Jana Utama 8 years.

    GOMs are also discontinued, most of their receiver have retired or passed away, but it still being produced now for the replacement.

    Satyalancana Perintis Kemerdekaan divided into I and II because there are 2 phases (periods) on Indonesian struggle defending the independency after 17 august 1945 proclamation.

    1st period is: 1st Dutch aggression: June 27th 1947-Feb 28th 1948

    2nd period is: 2nd Dutch aggression: Dec 18th 1948-Dec 27 1949

    Here’s the GOMs:

    1. GOM I: for fighting against communist rebellion in Madiun 1948 (well, our soldier at that time fight against Dutch and Communist rebellion in the same time) this rebellion can be defeated after 3 weeks operation.

    2. GOM II: for fighting against desertion soldier in Bandung. In 1950, a regiment called APRA under command of Major Raymond Westerling (a Dutch-Celebes descendants), they were were killed some officers and soldiers in Bandung due to some un-clear reason.

    3. GOM III: for fighting against rebellion of South Mollucas Republic movement 1950

    4. GOM IV: for fighting against DI/TII rebellion in South Sulawesi/Celebes

    5. GOM V: for fighting against DI/TII rebellion in West Java 1959-1963

    6. GOM VI: for fighting against DI/TII rebellion in Central Java 1960

    7. GOM VII: for fighting against DI/TII rebellion in Aceh 1961

    8. GOM VIII for fighting against Malaysia-UK forces on Kalimantan (Borneo) 1962

    9. GOM IX: for served in West Papua against Dutch 1960’s

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    Satyalancana for Military:

    a. Satyalancana Bhakti;

    Wound medal

    b. Satyalancana Teladan;

    Soldier excellency in work and mission

    c. Satyalancana Kesetiaan;

    For loyalty and long service (8, 16, 24, 32 years)

    d. Satyalancana Santi Dharma;

    For accomplished mission abroad

    e. Satyalancana Dwidya Sistha;

    For military educator or instructor

    f. Satyalancana Dharma Nusa;

    For contributed in a military mission within the Indonesian territory

    g. Satyalancana Dharma Bantala;

    For army veteran who had serviced in army forces at least 30 years

    h. Satyalancana Dharma Samudra;

    For navy veteran who had serviced in navy forces at least 30 years

    i. Satyalancana Dharma Dirgantara;

    For air force veteran who had serviced in air forces at least 30 years

    j. Satyalancana Wira Nusa;

    For mission of keeping in the outer islands

    k. Satyalancana Wira Dharma;

    For mission of keeping and securing nation borders or remote areas.

    l. Satyalancana Wira Siaga;

    For guarding president and vice president

    m. Satyalancana Ksatria Yudha.

    a. shows the dedication, skill, and discipline in carrying out specific tasks in a special unit for minimum of 2 (two) years continuously or 3 (three) years are not continuous; or

    b. extraordinary instrumental in carrying out specific tasks on specific unity, good exercises as well as specific high-risk tasks that can lead to psychiatric disorders, physical disability, or death.

    there also some special satyalancana for campaigns (GOM I-IX)

    I've inserted a few pictures from my collection. You may have seen them in an earlier thread.

    a. Satyalancana Bhakti;:catjava: Wound medal

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    Commemorating the overthrow of Bung Sukarno, a bloody period in which many Indonesian Chinese were killed. You may remember the movie "The Year of Living Dangerously" with Mel Gibson and Sigourney Weaver. Very evocative for me.

    ID 08 - Satya Lancana Penegak, 1965, (PKI - SukarnoSuharto), Mint, ABRI (Armed Forces)

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    One of the early actions in East Timor. If memory serves, Indonesia annexed in 1975, around the time of the Portuguese Revolution. Can anyone refresh my recollection?

    Satya Lancana Seroja Timur Timur (East Timor 1970)

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    Here's the first of two medals commemorating the war for independence against the Dutch (1945 - ?). Does anyone know why there were two separate medals? Seems to me Independence was finally achieved around 1950?

    Windu - Break out your history books.

    ID 12 - Satya Lancana Perang Kemerdekaan I

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    Next the GOM's which Windu refers to, commemorating various campaigns throughout the islands. The first is GOM 1 for Madiun.

    ID 14 - Satya Lancana Gerakan Operasi Militar I (GOM), (Madiun 1947)

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    Not at all clear what this one is other than 1947. Would love to see some amplification. I got most of these in a little shop in Surabaya when I was working with the Navy (TNI-AL) on torpedoes.

    ID 15 - INDONESIA - Satya Lancana Gerakan Operasi Militar II (GOM), (Angkatan Ratu Adil 1947), (Holland - Officers only), 3

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    Ops in South Molluca. Many from this community moved to the Netherlands, where they have been a bit of a dissident group, I think.

    ID 16 - Satya Lancana Gerakan Operasi Militar III (GOM), (Republik Malaku Selatan 1950)

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    And here's one for the decades-long (centuries long?) battles with the separatists in Aceh, a region in Sumatra. They fought against the Dutch, then against the central Government in Jakarta. This is the region hit by the tsunami a few years ago, and the fight was still going on then. I think they have since reached some sort of settlement.

    Satya Lancana Gerakan Operasi Militar VII (GOM), (Aceh 1960

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    This is for ops in Borneo (Kalimantan) in the same general time frame as the British ops in North Borneo (Brunei, etc.). If I remember, Gen. Suharto, who later became President of Indonesia, was involved in this campaign as a young officer in KOPASSUS (Special Forces), and I vaguely remember reading a memoir / history by a British officer who claimed to have had him in his sights at one point.

    Others may have better memories / knowledge. I'd welcome inputs.

    ID 21 - Satya Lancana Gerakan Operasi Militar VIII (GOM), (Kalimantan 1961),

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    The preceding have all been Armed Forces (ABRI) medals. Now for a few police medals (just for Merwyn and his ilk). Given his itinerant history, he may well have earned this one!

    ID 21 - Satya Lancana Jana Utama, Police, Presidential Commendation, Mint

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    Whoops, here's another important ABRI medal from the Confrontation period with Malaysia. Sukarno was promoting a union with Malaysia and the Philippines (at least Mindanao and the southern islands, which are primarily Muslim), to be called Mafilindo. As the largest partner, Indonesia would dominated any such union, and Malaysia was not so inclined. At one point, the Indonesians dropped paratroopers into Singapore, which was still a part of Malaysia at that point.

    Not sure about any interactions with the Philippines during that period.

    Again, I'd be really glad for any amplification / corrections.

    ID 22 - Dwikora (Satya Lancana Wira Dharma) - Malaysia, 1963 (Konfrontasi), Mint, ABRI (Armed Forces),

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    OK, back to the coppers.

    ID 22 - Satya Lancana Karya Bhakti (25 Years Service, Police), Mint,

    Windu's list suggests I may have the wrong info on this one. See his input above (p. in the Police listing):

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    OK, back to the coppers.

    ID 22 - Satya Lancana Karya Bhakti (25 Years Service, Police), Mint,

    Windu's list suggests I may have the wrong info on this one. See his input above (p. in the Police listing):

    yup, you see my list above about Karya Bhakti, 25 years service is Bhayangkara Star (not included in satyalancana section)

    and about Wira Dharma too..:cheers:

    all information above is according to the newest regulation no. 35 year 2010


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    • 1 month later...

    Hello Gentlemen,here is my contribution to this topic with an old St. Karya Satya 3rd Class. I got it from a fellow in Singapore who himself bought it in Indonesia long time ago.It's an old strike very heavy (24 grammes) and with sharp details.

    The class was awarded in connection with the rank of the person who was awarded the medal,in the civil administration.


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