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    Order of St. Louis


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    I came across a Napoleonic document I'm thinking of purchasing that mentions the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis. The document is by French Marshal Augereau while in Paris dated March 6, 1813 to the Minister of War. The document recommends awarding a retired soldier the decoration of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis for his military service. This seems strange since Napoleon is still in power, however Marshal Augereau in 1814 supported the restoration of the monarchy. I believe the document to be original although I don't have it in hand.

    While doing some research I came across this website.


    The order was suppressed following the French Revolution, and revived by Louis XVIII in May 1816.

    Do you think the order was given to the soldier..... HHMMMMM

    So what do you think?



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    During the Napoleontic periode the brothers Of king Louis XVI, Louis, king in 1814 as Louis XVIII and his brother Charles later king Charles X, fond excile in England, they probably awarded still the royal orders as orders of the house of Bourbon, there exist models of the cross of Saint Louis called "Model de l'Emigration" 1792-1814, In the book of J-P Collignon , "Ordres de Chevalerie, D?corations et m?dailles de France", 2005, pages 118-119. In that book we can see some models and two document of nominations of knight in the order of Saint Louis from 1796 and one of 10 march 1810.

    I think that this document is a very nice and rare piece

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    Here a beautifull drauwing of a breaststar of the first class of the Order of Saint Louis, out the book "G.H. de Rochement & J. Bischoff, Afbeeldingen der oudere en nieuwere thans bestaande Orden, Amsterdam 1843."

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    Here a beautifull drauwing of a breaststar of the first class of the Order of Saint Louis, out the book "G.H. de Rochement & J. Bischoff, Afbeeldingen der oudere en nieuwere thans bestaande Orden, Amsterdam 1843."

    You don't have the complete book in scan do you? I still want to scan my copy, but I'm afraid the binding will break if I do so.

    See you next Saturday,


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    Erik, dont scan the book with a flatbed scanner, the best you can do is to Make digital photo's or use a special scanner for Books, it will be a shame if so a beautifull book will be damaged. I only have a few scans of pictures of that book.

    See you Saterday


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    Hello Ulsterman,

    I went ahead and purchased the document and when I get it will post some pictures. I have this photo of the date but its not very good. The document come with a translation so maybe it will show something interesting.

    Marshal Augereau died on June 12, 1816.



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    I think it says 1815.

    In March, 1814 the good Marshal was in the south of France attempting to waffle his loyalties. In March 1813 he was fighting in east Prussia and had just reported ill.

    In March, 1815 he was still holding his titles and rank, but a month later he was struck off the list by Napoleon and he died a year later-titles and rank unrestored.

    I think you have a document signed by the man as Napoleon starts for Paris-as yet unknown to be returning to ruin Augereaus' life.

    Also, the Order of Louis was still being awarded by the Bourbon Princes in exile as noted above, but it became VERY widespread after the Restoration.

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    Hello Ulsterman,

    I received the document today. The translation that came with it leaves the date blank(Marh 6, 18__). I think that the person who wrote up the description on the site that sold it just thought it to be 1813(a guess). I think you are right because the dates of Marshal Augereau puts him in Paris during 1815.

    Mystery Solved.......

    thanks for all the help,


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