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      • The most recent Liverpool Medals Catalogue has 2 General Service medals well-illustateded. One is a Military General Service Medal, bar Guadaloupe, awarded to Private Thomas Western, 25th (King’s Own Borderers) Regiment of Foot, later known as the KOSB. The other is for Naval General Service Medal, bar Egypt, Richard Withrill, Royal Marine, HMS Pique, for the 1801 Anglo Ottoman invasion of Egypt against France. Only 9 medals issued to HMS Pique.       The description of this Military General Service Medal, bar Guadaloupe, Private Thomas Western, 25th (King’s Own Borderers) Regiment of Foot, later known as the KOSB, Invasion of Guadaloupe 1810 reads:    "Military General Service Medal, bar Guadaloupe, Private Thomas Western, 25th (King’s Own Borderers) Regiment of Foot, later known as the KOSB, Invasion of Guadaloupe 1810. Officially impressed: “T. Western, 25th Foot”   Confirmed on the medal roll.   Toned, some edge bruising through wear.   The medal has a long standing provenance:   First noted as sold in Sotheby November 1894, then in the Needes Collection 1939. Then resurfaced in DNW during 2017 hammering for £1100=£1420.   By the time of the institution of the medal it had been 37 years since the events in Guadaloupe, by then only 616 survivors claimed the Guadaloupe clasp from the entire force present, 104 of them from the 25th Foot. This was one of 55 single clasp medals claimed by the regiment to the 25th Foot.   The medal roll records that he served in the 1st Battalion under “Captain Terry”.   Captain, later Colonel Robert Terry was a long serving Officer of the 25th Foot, having joined back in 1799 and was present as a Captain in the Capture of Guadaloupe and St Martins during 1810.       The description of the early Naval General Service Medal, for Egypt 1801, Private Richard Withrill, Royal Marines. Naval General Service Medal, bar Egypt, Richard Withrill, Royal Marine, HMS Pique, for the 1801 Anglo Ottoman invasion of Egypt against France. Only 9 medals issued to HMS Pique. The  description reads:    "Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840, bar Egypt, Richard Withrill, Royal Marine, HMS Pique, for the 1801 Anglo Ottoman invasion of Egypt against France.    Officially impressed: “RICHd WITHRILL”   Confirmed on the medal roll, a unique name.   The medal has a long standing provenance going back to 1953.   Provenance: Baldwin January 1953, £2.50, Baldwin 1954, £2.25, John Hayward, August 1973, £68, Glendinings September 23rd 1987, £210, Ebay May 2007 £3,113, then Jager Medals, Feb 2018, £2185.   With copy extracts from ships pay books etc.   By the time of the issue of the medal close to 50 years after the event during 1847, only 9 men from HMS Pique lived to claim the Egypt clasp, the    HMS Pique was a ship new to the British Fleet, it was previously owned by the French Navy, being known as “La Pallas” before it was captured during February 1800 by a British Squadron off the coast of France in a “well fought close and running action of 2 hours.” The next year it was named HMS Aeolus but was then renamed to Pique in 1801.  The pay lists refer to it as “La Pique”.   According to this entries in the Ships Book and Royal Marines records:   Mr Richard Withrill was born in All Saints, Wallingford, Berks circa 1779   Attested for service on 8th September 1800 with the Royal Marines, being signed up by Capt Timins at London.   Aged 21, standing 5 foot 5 3/4 inches tall. Brown hair, grey eyes and a fair complexion, having worked as a Labourer.   The Royal marines wasted no time in finding him a ship, joining the freshly captured HMS Pique on 29th October 1800.   He would served on board throughout the Egypt Campaign (2nd March to September 1801) until the ship was paid off in July 1802.   He saw 15 years of service with the Royal Marines, before he was discharged on 8th December 1815 “Discharged Over Age”.   In later life he is shown in the 1851 Census, living with his Son in Pyrton, Henley, Oxfordshire.   He is shown as a 79 year old Widower and “Pauper”.   THE PIQUE IN EGYPT   The ship served off the coast of Egypt during the Egypt Campaign from 8th March 2nd September 1801.   9th May 1801, letters received at Plymouth from Determinee of the 18th of March, states that she was well and was cruising off the Island of Candia (Crete) in company with La Pique.   On 30th May 1801, the French Xebec “Good Union” of 10 guns and 92 men from Alexandria, bound for France was captured by the Pique and Determinee.   On 5th June 1801, the Pique was chased by the French Squadron bound for Egypt off Brindis, but managed to escape with intelligence of the Squadron’s position.   Just after being in Egypt : “The English Frigate, La Pique entered Toulon on 12th of October 1801. She was on her way from Malta. The Frigate fired a salute of 21 guns, which the Admiral returned.”   The ship was paid off about 15th July 1802 after arriving home in Portsmouth.
      • Liverpoll Medals most current catalogue included the following classic 4 Bar Crimean War Medal, with Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann and Sebastopol, along side his matching Turkish Crimea Medal, of Private William Harding, 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards. Gate Porter of Syon Park, London Home of the Duke of Northumberland.            The description reads: "Crimea Medal, 4 bars, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol, Turkish Crimea, sardinian variety with loop suspension, both named in correct Regimental style, 4421 Pte William Harding 3rd Gren Guards, Gate Porter of Syon Park, London, the Mansion home of the Duke of Northumberland, in Brentford.   Both medals impressed in the correct regimental style, good matching pair. Crimea: “4421 W. Harding 3rd Battn Gre** *uards” Turkish: “4421 W. Harding 3. Bn. G. Gds.”   Both medals confirmed on service papers. Fitted with very long original silk ribbons.   Roll confirms that the medals were not officially named, medals match other known examples tot the unit.   Contact marks and general wear consistent with his long service and life with further job as the Gate Porter of Syon Park wearing the medal together.   The famous Lion Gate entrance to Syon Park, the two little buildings on the left and right are the Gate Porter Lodges. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q17527822#/media/File:Grand_Entrance_to_Syon_House_-_panoramio.jpg   William Harding served a full 22 years 51 days career in the Army, spending 2 years and 4 month “With the Army in the East” during the Crimean War.   Character: “They are very Good. He has 4 good conduct badges with pay for the same.” Medals: “He has the Crimea Medal and 4 Clasps for Alma, Balaklava, Sebastpool and Inkermann. And the Turkish Medal.”   Conduct: “His name has been 3 times in the Regt Defaulters Book. He has been 3 times tried and convicted by Court martial for theft.”   He was however a mile off earning anything such as the LSGC medal as he was quite the rogue during his army service, in fact at one point he was within moments of being “discharged with Ignominy” for his “Disgraceful Conduct”.   William was born in the village of Sherington, near Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, now part of Milton Keynes during 1824   He first enlisted with the Grenadier Guards on 24th August 1842. At the time he was a “Servant”. He actually started of well and was promoted to Corporal on 2nd May 1845.   He was however soon after taken into confinement on 27th January 1847 when he was “2nd Feb 1847, Sentenced to be reduced to the ranks and 3 months of imprisonment.”   He was in Prison from 13th Feb to 25th April 1846.   Returning to the fold he was later arrested again on 16th May 1853 this time for a severe offence:   “16th May 1853, For Disgraceful Conduct, sentenced to 4 months of imprisonment and forfeit all his claim to additional pay and recommended to be discharged with Ignominy.”   For his he lost all 10 years 167 days of credit towards his pension.   He spent 24th May 1853 until 2nd September 1853 in Prison.   Being released once again he set of to fight in the Crimean War with the 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards.   However he again arrested, this time only 2 weeks following his service at the Battle of Balaklava.   His papers note “Tried, 23rd November 1854 & Sentenced to Corporal Punishment of 50 lashes” lucky for him they were busy fighting the Russians as it was luckily added “Punishment remitted”.   Following that he never slipped up again and served out the rest of his career to discharge on 17th May 1865.   Fortunately he had his “Former service restored by War Office Letter dated 2nd April 1861”, which brought back his 10 years 167 days forfeited for his arrest back in 1853.”   By the time of his discharge he had served 22 years 78 days.   After his discharge his intended residence was “Syon House, W. Brentford”, the home of the Duke of Northumberland.   William was taken on by the Duke as his Gate Porter, who protected the entrance to the grand 20 Acre Estate in the middle of London, for his he had the “Upper Lodge” for him and his family to live in, inside the Syon Park estate.   William occupied this role for many years well into his old age for over 25 years, being Gate Porter from 1865 until at least the 1891 census, shown living there in 1871, 1881 and 1891.   He looks to have died sometime in the 1890s.   CRIMEAN WAR SERVICE, 3 VICTORIA CROSSES AT INKERMANN CHARGING THE SANDBAG BATTERY   You can see a photograph of one of his comrades here: https://collection.nam.ac.uk/detail.php?acc=1964-12-154-6-5   During the Crimean War, William was part of the Guards Brigade, which was formed from the 3rd Battalion Grenadiers Guards, 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, 1st Battalion Scots Fusiliers Guards.   They left Crimea with 4 Victoria Crosses. He was at all their famous moments in the war.   The book “The Origin and History of the First or Grenadier Guards” by Lieut Gen Sir F.W. Hamilton KCB, Volume III recalls in detail their services in the Crimean War.   You can go and read the book online for free at the link below to learn more about his service.   https://archive.org/details/originhistoryfi02hamigoog/page/162/mode/2up
      • The most recent Liverpool Medals catalogue includes a A rare South African issue Korea War Medal, awarded to J.D.S Snyders of the No 2 Cheetah Fighter Squadron of the South African Air Force.     The description reads:    "Korea War Medal, South African issue, P16322 J.D.S. Snyders.   Officially impressed: “P16322 J.D.S. Snyder”   A very rare award to No. 2 “Cheetah” Squadron, South African Air Force, one of only 797 medals issued, the entire South African Air force present consisted of 243 officers and 545 Other ranks. 23 South African Officers and 15 other ranks from the army also served.   During the war 34 Pilots and two ground crew died and 7 Prisoners of War were returned.   Out of 846 South African present during the war, 797 of them received the medal.   There is a printed medal roll but it has four names missing, this medal is mentioned and confirmed in “Honours, Medals and Awards of the Korean War” by Kevin Ingraham as a man who was entitled but missed off the printed roll.   Kevin writes in his section on the SA Korea back in 1993:   “Further details on the recipients can be found in the South Africa Korea Roll by Colin Owen. This is currently out of print but shows up on dealers lists in the UK. There are 4 names missing from this roll that have since been confirmed. One of these is J.D.S. Snyders, P16322”   The battalion a whole were honoured by the Republic of Korea and also the United States of America with the “Presidential Unit Citation”.   During the war the Squadron flet the F-51 Mustang the famous American Fighter Plane, before they switched over to the new F-86 Sabre Jet Fighters.   The Sabres arrived in January 1953 with the first combat mission being flown in late March 1953. The aircrew and ground crew all had to be sent to Japan first to receive specialist training in Jet Engine Aircraft, fortunately most of the Pilots had flown Vampire Jets back in South Africa before the war, but it was a schooling for the men like Snyders as they studied the Sabre Jet Engines in Japan."    
      • The latest Liverpool Medals catalogue includes a A rare Queen's South African, bars Rhodesia and Relief of Mafeking, earned by Edward Warren, a Trooper of "G" Troop, Southern Rhodesia Volunteers during the Boer War.         The catalogue description reads:  "Queen’s South Africa Medal, 2 bars, Rhodesia, Relief of Mafeking, 476 Trooper Edward Warren, Southern Rhodesian Volunteers.    Officially impressed: “476 Tpr E. Warren. S. Rhod. Vols:”   Confirmed on the medal roll.   The medal roll notes that during the Boer War he served as a Member of “G” Troop, Western Division of the Southern Rhodesia Volunteers.   It also confirms that his medal and the 2 clasps were issued to the Officer Commanding of the Southern Rhodesia Volunteers at Bulawayo on 24th June 1908.   Southern Rhodesia death records records only one matching Edward Warren, a Miner, who came to settle in Rhodesia.   Edward Warren, was born in West Quantoxhead, Somerset, England circa 1870. The son of John and Elizabeth Warren.   He is shown living with his parents during the 1871 and 1881 Census, before disappearing from the local area by 1891. The English Census and later Southern Rhodesia Death Records both match regarding his parents name and origin.   He looks to have come to South Africa during the 1890s period, where many men came to the fledgling state of Rhodesia and South Africa, particularly as there were many Diamond and Gold Rushes going on at the time and your average labourer could maybe strike it big at the mines.   He married Jane Stuart Warren (nee Jeanette, Born Macdonald) in Bulawayo on 22nd February 1930.   By the time of his death on 10th December 1937 he was said to be about 63 years 11 months old and worked as a Miner, living in Eastern Queens.   Eastern Queen’s is particularly known for their Gold Mine, the Queen’s Mine has been operating since around 1893, and even today is still unearthing new Gold in what is now modern day Zimbabwe.   His Will notes a good numbers of shares in various Gold Mines in the area amounting to about £12617 pounds, Nigel Gold Mining Co, East Rand Proprietary Mines, Consolidated Diamond Mines of S.W.A. Ltd etc.   At the time the Rhodesian Pound was pegged to the British Sterling Pound, and accounting for inflation these shares could be worth the modern day equivalent of £700k, not a bad gamble to go to Rhodesia and become a Gold Miner."
      • I'm not familiar enough with the medal itself to say one way or the other, but I am concerned with it being mounted solo as a medal bar.  The recipients of the 15 year long service were allowed to wear their old 10 year medal along side it.  I'd expect it to be mounted as a pair. 
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