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    1. Past hour
    2. archie777

      Venda order

      Hi Chris, On which site is the pictures of the Order of Indwe that Megan explained wrongly?
    3. Some grisly photos there! I can only provide the following webpages about Herr Maaß https://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14039 http://www.luftfahrtarchiv-koeln.de/Gaestebuch_Fliegerstaton.htm
    4. Colour pictures for this breast star, will be posted soon
    5. Different shoulder rank flashes worn through the years
    6. A W/O from 5 Special Forces Brigade wearing his Operator and Kwanjama badges Unfortunately not the best picture
    7. A special and very rare flag of Sector 10 at Oshikati in Namibia, then SWA Signed by the different Battalions Commanders and RSM's
    8. Maaß was in the Fliegertruppe? Which unit? As an observer or pilot? Thanks! Here is what I found out about his violent death: "Aus der langen Liste der kommunistischen Überfälle und Morde an Polizeibeamten seien nur zwei Fälle herausgegriffen. Der erste spielte sich bei den Kämpfen gegen die Rote Armee, im Regierungsbezirk Merseburg, bei Gröbers am 30. März 1921 ab."
    9. 2 different embroided shirts for the SAPS Special Taskforce
    10. One of the rarest badges to get for all SA Special Forces Collectors The Kwanyama badge Less than 40 was awarded, but it was never numbered. Its easy to spot fakes
    11. Here's a first name, but you'll have to squint to read it - Lt dR Karl Peltzer. This is from 'Die Luftflotte' dated September 1918.
    12. Hi all, Any guesses on this signature please? Kampfstaffel 3 in 1917. Thank you.
    13. Today
    14. Yes that's right my friend. His pre-war regiment was IR 170 and he also had the BZ3bx. He later served in the Fliegertruppe.....
    15. A friendship coin from a special friend
    16. Rank insignia worn by Koevoet Operators
    17. Most SA Special Forces Operators went all over the world for more specialized training
    18. Special present from a friend
    19. Is anyone wants better pictures or information, feel free to contact me
    20. archie777

      Venda order

      Hi Chris, I still have a lot in my safe, that must cone on display boards The book and so many other things keeps me busy
    21. Coins awarded to Operators at the SA Special Forces School
    22. Shirt made for the SAPS Special Taskforce Snipers
    23. IMO Lt. Schlodder is mentioned in the continuous text. He is not mentioned as sender, which IMO was cut of.
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