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    1. Hallo Chris,
      I am back at home. Have still nice days in Kostanz an a very well fly home to America.
      Greetings from Uli (Schatzmeister)

    2. In these many years I've done a bit of everything. Born in the US, I spent the summers of my youth in Essex, UK. Served in the USAF Security Police, Army Counterintelligence, various state and federal law enforcement agencies, and currently work for the Dept of Homeland Security, stationed in the Pacific Northwest.

    3. I really hated leggings! But I was there!

    4. My favorite number, "69" days left in Kabul, AFG !

    5. Stuart: Tanks. Engrish is still the gooderest languge. ;)

    6. Brian - "The rule of the 5 Cs; It's stupid but that's life." With thanks to Clive.

    7. Sorry man I only have one colonial piece. I collect Pacific island Insignia. This one is very very very rare.

    8. Hello Saumua;
      I see you recently joined GMiC. Welcome. That is a great piece you have. Do you collect Imperial German Colonial? If you do, I would love to see your other items.
      Brian (aka Claudius)

    9. has not set their status

    10. "Does anyone have the Pattern of the front mask for the Phänomen Granit 1500 S".

    11. "it is not the facts that are interesting in history, but the questions and their answers - and these can never be fixed"

    12. "it is not the facts that are interesting in history, but the questions and their answers - and these can never be fixed"

    13. Nick's a great guy and and I'm proud to call him my friend. Between us we're holding the fort in North Dakota.

    14. Dan's interest in history puts mine to shame.

    15. The MAX Show 

    16. has not set their status

    17. Work/Life Balance? Work I know, life I know, balance - what's that?

    18. is interested in collecting items of the Great War.

    19. Hoo-RAH!
      Thanks for recommending the site; I'll browse the forums and see what's what, what-what?

    20. yep Gary W is the walrus

    21. Not the Angry Walrus perchance?

    22. is looking for a few good keen ANZACs

    23. I have been left lots of medals in various languages all old im dont know where toeven begin

    24. Greetings & Salutations!

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