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    Everything posted by slava1stclass

    1. Gents, The first instances I've come across of the mountaineering badge being worn. Regards, slava1stclass
    2. Gents, With nine recorded wounds (note paragraph 8.), Lt M. F. Shcherbakov was indeed a wound stripe wonder. Regards, slava1stclass
    3. Gents, Nice images of screwback Order of the Red Banner quad winners. The second image is of I. I. Borzov. He would later be awarded the HSU title. Regards, slava1stclass
    4. Gents, Great image of fabled Soviet tank designer HSL Maj Gen A. A. Morozov - thrice Laureat of the State Prize ('42, '46 and '48) and the Lenin Prize in '67. Regards, slava1stclass
    5. Gents, Another image of Full Cavalier and HSU K.I. Nedorubov. Regards, slava1stclass
    6. Gents, When Grandma says "Eat your kasha", you better listen. HSL P.N. Kovrova knows what's good for you. Regards, slava1stclass
    7. Gents, The G.O. in post #62 above is aviation Maj Gen I. D. Antoshkin. He was killed in a UT-2 plane crash in May 1944. Earned his HSU during the 1940 Soviet-Finnish war. Regards, slava1stclass
    8. Gents, And they keep getting younger... Regards, slava1stclass
    9. Gents, Note the embroidered "1941-1945" at the base of his seven wound stripes. Regards, slava1stclass
    10. Gents, This tank Major wears seven wound stripes - four gold and three red. Regards, slava1stclass
    11. Gents, Great image of Double HSU Guards Colonel S.F. Shutov shown wearing the U.S. Army Distinguished Service Cross. Regards, slava1stclass
    12. Darrell, Wrong side of the uniform. In your reversal of the negative, the words "For Valor" are now reversed. Regards, slava1stclass
    13. Gents, Although worn on the wrong side of his uniform, we won't quibble too much. Regards, slava1stclass
    14. Gents, A Legion of Merit in the degree of Legionnaire to a Red Army lieutenant. All things considered, a somewhat inflated award considering his junior rank. Regards, slava1stclass
    15. Gents, This is one impressive Soviet naval officer. Captain First Rank A. F. Arzhavkin wears the Orders of Nakhimov First and Second Class, the Order of Ushakov Second Class, the Order of Alexander Nevskiy, the Order of the Patriotic War and two Orders of the Red Star - and those are just his screwbacks. Regards, slava1stclass
    16. Gents, A great photo of a yet-to-be identified HSU Major General who was one of 53 Red Army personnel to be awarded the U.S. Army Distinguished Service Cross (second only to the Medal of Honor for combat valor) during World War II. Note how he's remounted it using the original DSC award ribbon. Regards, slava1stclass
    17. Gents, Major Baskin is seen wearing the Legion of Merit in the degree of Legionnaire. Regards, slava1stclass
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