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    Status Updates posted by kapten_windu

    1. Ahh, I'm back.. :)

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. kapten_windu


        no, i still love militaria, I just too busy with work (auditor). :)

      3. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Good to see you banck Windu. Are you still collecting ? Mervyn

      4. kapten_windu


        Hi Mervyn, yes, I still collecting, you can see my post on Asian section. I currently focus on Indonesian ODM but fortunately I also acquired some other nation ODM such as golden grain from China.. :)

    2. I just realized that today i'm 20 and not a teenage anymore.. :P

      1. Show previous comments  2 more
      2. kapten_windu


        thank you gentlemen.. :)

      3. Chris Liontas

        Chris Liontas

        ROFL!!! Welcome to the "sir" club!! Happy Bday (late - sorry :( )

      4. kapten_windu
    3. September 18th 2011 is my 1 year on GMIC, this is a great forum!! :D

    4. getting busy preparing ied al fitri, sorry for my absence for some next days.. :(

    5. sorry for my late update about Kris, i'm currently busy preparing Indonesian Independence day for tomorrow 17th August ceremony, i'll post them probably on 18/19 Aug..

    6. i hope the mobile view option will be available again because i often online with my mobile phone..

      1. Nick


        Mobile skin working clear your old cache and cookies out on your device

    7. woy ri, indak pernah ol kah? nyampah ko da? ahaha..

    8. For our American friends: Happy 4th July from Indonesia!! :)

    9. looking for a 2-3place german WW2 or combined WW1 and WW2 medals, under $100, any offers please PM..

    10. yeee haaa...!! (^0^)/

      1. Show previous comments  4 more
      2. kapten_windu


        no, exam is in the end of May..
        This is just a little surprise for me.. ;)

      3. kapten_windu


        no, exam is in the end of May..
        This is just a little surprise for me.. ;)

      4. kapten_windu


        no, exam is in the end of May..
        This is just a little surprise for me.. ;)

    11. Paypal held my $135, (well, for student in Indonesia like me, it's one and a half month budget for eat!!) and i must delayed my payment to a seller.. :(

    12. happy chinese new year!! gong xi fa cai.. :)

      1. army historian

        army historian

        Sounds like you have "gown native" on us. Cheers Captain A lbert "Gung hoy fat chowe" how is that for spelling?

      2. kapten_windu


        i think it mus be "gong see fa chye" according to english spelling.. :)

    13. after 2 weeks off for roadshow and backpacking, i'm back.. :)

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Hi - Windu. I was getting ready to IM - I thought the volcano might have 'got you' !

    14. after 2 weeks off, i'm back, how are you gentlemen? :)

    15. next week is a hell week, 5 days full of exam..-.-"

      1. IrishGunner


        Good luck on those exams!

      2. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Do well ! The honour of GMIC is in your hands....

    16. please vote me to get summer school: http://joiedemontreal.ca/profile/955/windu-adi-prastowo

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. kapten_windu


        that's for summer school Mervyn, so there willbe no snow there.. :)
        it available via facebook..

      3. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        I've never used Facebook in my life - and I'm not about to start now - even for you...

      4. kapten_windu


        hahaha, thats ok mervyn..^^

    17. is looking for WW2 EK2 with mm

    18. Happy Idul Adha to all who celebrate..:)

    19. watching Obama speaking on my campus, half using Indonesian language, wow..

    20. another update from merapi volcano, last night another eruption killed 15 people, and last 3 days threre are some 'mud rain' (from the volcano material+water), and it smells like sulphur, students go to school wearing masker, outdoor activity must be avoided..

    21. new update on volcano near my house, last night the volcano had a little eruption, 15 people and some cattles were killed, and (thanks god) my family is safe! yesterday i decided to go home to see what's happening, i update this status just 12 km from the volcano, it's still smoke..!!

      1. Show previous comments  2 more
      2. kapten_windu


        new update, a tsunami happen on Mentawai islands last night, 112 people died and 582 is still missing, oh my god, what's wrong with my country?

      3. kapten_windu


        additional 10 killed victims on volcano eruption, total 25 people die..

      4. demir


        Windu, I am very sorry about the terrible news.I hope that everything gets better soon.

    22. a volcano near my hometown is going to be errupted, the authorirties said it's now a RED condition, i hope my family don't get the impact of it..

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Windu - have you thought of moving ?
        Make sure your Family go to safe ground.

      2. kapten_windu


        we love our house now so we never thought to move,
        the eruption is to the south region, while our house is in the west, so now it's still safe..:)

    23. 4 hours again, and i'll be 19 years old, but now i'm alone in dorm, studying for mid-term exam for accounting next week..lol

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