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    Status Updates posted by kapten_windu

    1. hei leigh, is it "bir bintang" on your avatar?
      it seems familiar bottle logo to my eyes..

    2. be patient to get EK, maybe one semester again..

    3. thank you mr. Mitton, i'm a college student, not a member of Indonesian forces (i wasn't pass the test to military academy)..
      that a military academy uniform, but with lt.general epauletes, lol..

    4. i'm searching for cheap german, belgium, or france medals for my collection, anyone can help? i only have about $50, i hope i can use it wisely..

    5. hayo ini sapa?

    6. limited budget! oh no..:(

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. kapten_windu


        loh, kok ada ini?
        ni sapa ya?

      3. uwhy


        masa ga kenal id ane sih gan :cd:

      4. kapten_windu


        ampun dah, ngapain lo k sini..-.-"

    7. if you want to ask about Indonesian medal or military item, you cand send me a message,

    8. hey, if you need indonesian military item you can contact me, thanks..:)

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