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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. I agree... a non combattant Silesian Eagle 1st class is as rare as hens teeth... I had a long correspondence with the guy who did the articles about the award for the BDOS... he said it was technically only allowed for the 2nd class to be awarded. There are a tiny amount of exceptions... almost singel figures. I have a group with white ribbon EK2, Yellow ribbon Braunscheig, and eagles 1st and 2nd class to a non combattant (and a bunch of other awards)... rare as hell... but on the flip side... noone appretiates them
    2. Hi, indeed, but you see pics of them with rangers as well. I do cede the point however because you are right, the Paras in Indichina were not doing a whole lot of jumping, in which case the stability of the Ranger was not essential. For the far east the Pataugas would have been a better option. In the overseas Paquetage there would have been various options, when we deployed to Central Africa we had 2 pairs of boots, one pair of Pataugas and a pair of running shoes... all rotated according to the occasion... on Occasion Rangers were worn, many Dien Bien Phu show them
    3. I dont think the Para would use hobnailed Brodequin for jumping... they would offer no ankle support? At the limit I can imagine the Pataugas on patrol, they are light but offer not a lot of protection
    4. Pataugas were still issued in the 90s, but they give zero ankle support... they are like the tennis shoes of the 70s, but much higher... we only ever wore them on base in hot countries... out in the field you you could really injure yourself. I am guessing for ankle support on a jump the Rangers were the only answer in the french stores... I think the 1950 ranger were based on US WW2 Boots?
    5. I think they are commercial... in the 80s and 90s the Paras wore regular rangers like everyone else. If they were not good enough for the Paras in the 60s I am sure they would not be worn in the 90s... HOWEVER... I am not sure when the Rangers were introduced...
    6. Hi Christophe, thanks... I always thought the Saxons only had their "funny" Tschakos
    7. Thanks, yes indeed... the FK epp had a whole company of offcers serving as other ranks in the Zeitfreiwilligen... the Zeitfreiwillige were part time FK members... my wifes great grandfather was a Zeitfreiwillige in Leipzig, they were mainly ex young officers, students in the Univ and part time FK members
    8. A great pic from 1910... I did not know Saxons wore these tschakos? It looks Prussian to me?
    9. Is there some part of the award ceremony that requires our friend on the right to swing hos cutlass around?
    10. Seems to be a MVK2nd class with swords and crown, later Lt and MVO... and the EK1 may be a problem... we could find one officer in the wartime rolls with the combination... but this guy may have got the EK1 post war? Very little to go on... if I cannot identify him he will always remain "Mr Bean" in my mind
    11. There have been discussions in the past about the collar colors of Bavarian tunics.... some diehards saying they MUST be the same color/cloth as the Tunic.... here 2 shots from the Bavarian Army Museum last week....
    12. I saw this at the bavarian Military Museum... provided some clarity for me as to the colors and piping....
    13. ... ok... not all of you... old friends ... probably not.... and if you donated to the forum at the link below... probably not either (see the link)... Here is my dream piece.....
    14. Guys, I am going to clean this thread up.... if anyone has a problem with the reason why someone is posting a bar... they have the choice to ignore them. many bars have been saved from obscurity because someone posted them... many interesting discussions have resulted... If you feel people are making money and that offends you... ignore the post. If you feel the need to voice your displeasure, shoot the person a PM, and leave it at that... Best Chris
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