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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I firmly believe that this is one of the most striking of all WW2 German Badges. One of my absolute favorites.
    2. Outstanding gallery of badges presented! But, none "mit Einsatzzahl"??
    3. It never ceases to amaze me just how rare some of these badges can be. I can count on my hands the number of these I've seen over the years.
    4. Here's a rare bird. The Military Merit Cross of The Military Merit Order. As awarded to "other ranks" between 1866 and 1905. Note the lack of flames between the arms! Silver, enamel and gold center schiffers. Stunning. Rare. Probably under 500 awarded... ever. Note the correct "statute ribbon" as proscribed prior to 1913 and the institution of the "War Ribbon". Swords were awarded to these after the fact and the recipient had to purchase them himself!
    5. Pilot Badges! One real one for every 3-400 fakes floating around out there. There's two distinct styles from Germany. Prussian & Bavarian. Of the two styles, there's two types. Issue & Private Purchase. Here's what the typical Prussian issued badge looks like. Stamped tin, plated with silver. These were unceremoniously handed out in a plain brown envelope. A little wider than the WW2 style packets many of us are familiar with. The packet held no title, no maker mark, nothing. Most were instantly tossed in the rubbish bin. Contrary to popular belief, they were not handed out upon completion of flight school! They were awarded after completion of a prescribed number of missions.
    6. Greetings All! I shall not be bashfull, Let's talk about what I like! Imperial Aviation of Germany & his Allies. A veritable minefield of fakes, trickery and false hopes. Why if Germany had as many Pilots as there are currently "wearer's copies" of PLM's floating around the internet, I think we'd all be speaking German right now! cheeky
    7. I'd agree with Gordon here. Both Poellath and Froese packets were generics that your purchase was popped in at the time of sale. The Froese packets can get very interesting as you will occasionally see multiple awards written on the front. Last one I recall was EK1/EK2. Poellath still uses these generic packets today, although the printing/format is extremely different. they will occassionally pop-up with "period" (and yes, I am using the term facetiously) "pilot" badges...... Caveat emptor!
    8. Nice EK's. I much prefer this type of S/B over the usual "ridged-dome" one sees peddled in extraoridinary numbers these days. Nice crosses!
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