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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Document set for badge number 3100. Badge whereabouts currently unknown. Interesting that the booklet is numbered but the actual award card is not.
    2. Number 6043, by far the nicest set I own. Brightly gilded still on the wreath!
    3. Well I was able to negotiate a substantially lower price for this one and It has arrived. Almost coal-black with tarnish, I believe it to be real silver. The flash is similar to felt and has been formed and stitched over a piece of cardboard. Charles felt the flash would represent an infantry soldier who received the badge. very happy with this, it's beautiful. I've added details to the list and an additional image below.
    4. Oddly enough..... this is the third time these bars have come into my hands in the last twelve years. I think now they shall stay for good.
    5. A few more. Working on collecting better scans but thought I'd share the group shots for now.
    6. A selection of awarded crosses as captured by photographers.
    7. I also acquired this pair of badges. Note the hand-scratched number on the reverse.
    8. Please note I have updated the database with all current numbers on this thread through 9/25/12 I have also changed Type 1.3 to "Probably Soviet manufacture" per Charles. I was fortunate to speak with him today!
    9. Eric, the details look really soft and while similar, not as sharp as any of your other examples to my eyes. As an aside, nice collection!
    10. what website did you buy on? Did you use a credit card? There are protections using CC for fraud. Did you pay with paypal? Again, there is fraud protection when using this site.
    11. I just picked up my first matched, numbered set! I'll get scans up as soon as it arrives!
    12. Can someone please post pictures instead of a link to WAF. Some of us do not participate there.
    13. I think the bar is fine, I'd buy it. You will be hard pressed to find more than a few exanples of the Sax-Coburg Medal in mounted groups.....
    14. As a former collector of Imperial badges, I can assure you there's no such thing as too few references. Even a lesser reference will still have some excellent images of authentic badges. The hard part is discerning what you're willing to accept and what you're not. I would recommend Steven's book, Robert's book as well as Carsten Baldes' book coming out at some point in the future. Carsten is one of Germany's pre-eminent Imperial Aviation collector's. You will also find the Imperial Aviation series to be of benefit, Chaliff's book and Nieman's price guide. Each of these books has excellent images of some pretty special items. Each book will have images/examples not necessarily found in the others. Are there mistakes? Of course, not one reference book out there is 100% accurate. You'll find my name as a contributor in three of the above references.... Do I make mistakes on ID's? Well of course I do. There's not a single collector in the world who can claim they are right 100% of the time. It is only through your references, which should include hands-on handling of as many examples as possible, that will guide you through the minefield of Imperial German & Austrian Aviation Badges. I encourage you to visit with your peers who are actively collecting as well as attending shows as often as possible to attempt to handle the pieces as much as possible. there's really no substitute for actually handling these badges.
    15. So you can call me a skeptic, but I just see differences from your bird to other examples of known Juncker production. The quality of the stampings with respects to cleanliness of the edges and detail do not seem consistent with original badges I have handled and owned. I also struggle with the fact that this is a Bavarian badge and we have never seen Juncker produce a Bavarian flight badge. is it possible? Absolutely. But one would think after almost 100 years that at least one other example of anything Bavarian produced by Juncker would have surfaced. This leaves us with considering Meybauer (again no known examples attributed to them of a Bavarian badge) And then we have Poellath. This manufacture made single rivet gunner badges as far as we know thus far. never seen a 3 rivet badge from this maker. Maker "square".... yep, they made Bavarian and Prussian. However again, your badge does not appear consistent with the quality of pieces made by this maker.
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