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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Here's a known original juncker (Prussian) Air Gunner badge. The last two pix you posted does seem to show multi-part construction. I do have quality issues still with this badge. try a comparison of the bird on your badge to the bird on this badge on the right. Are they identical?.
    2. The quality of the stamping does not appear consistent with either Prussian or Bavarian stamped badges of period manufacture. The "rivet marks" on the back appear to be impressions, not actual rivets. It does not appear to be a consistent, 3-piece badge that one would normally associate with this type of rivet assembly design (again, prior to this only seen on known, original Juncker badges). One piece for the bird, one piece for the backing plate and one piece for the badge itself. based on either set of photos shown, that's what I see.
    3. I cannot find my copy of Iron Time. Can anyone help me out with awarded numbers of non-combattant EK2's in 1870 & 1914? Thanks for the assist!
    4. I think we have someone from Oldenburg who is partially adhereing to regs..... Prussian First, wartime second with his homestate war time preceding the Bavarian MVK, followed by another homestate award. For what it's worth, I like the bar, construction looks good to me.
    5. Thought you guys would find this highly "unusual" badge interesting to discuss. :whistle:
    6. I've seen and handled medal bars before that were absolutely original yet had these bars attached. I have a WW1 ribbon bar right now that has mini FP War medal bars attached! Vets did odd things.....
    7. The quality of the wrap and backing, the combination..... I really don't have a problem with this bar. odd.... absolutely; but not an impossible combination. Just an unusual one. I agree with Saschaw..... consistent with many other Bavarian bars I have seen and handled over the years.
    8. Hi Chet, I love it and have no problem with it. Combing the archives for pictures of other Sax bars without the swords. Frankly, position only dictates war award, even in the absence of swords. Nice bar!
    9. Gentleman, I don't think i need to dignify the comment by a response. A g0od friend of mine in Germany taught me long ago. "Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig likes it". Have a great day!! Now, back on topic.... it didn't occur to me that the ribbon i thought was faded Hesse is actually faded Baden (now the green thread pulled through makes sense, doesn't it?) The sequence/precedence is certainly odd. However, we see no shortage of bars that are inexplicable, yet genuine.
    10. OK, I can see the eagles are real, IMO, however they are definately replaced. If you look close; you can see holes from the original eagles that were removed. I think the bar was probably OK until little "monkey fingers" started messing with it. The bar may have been "de-nazified" during the immediate post-war era, and then some collector started 'fixing" the bar by adding the 2 gold eagles and the swords on the hesse ribbon. I think the other devices might be original and correct. More to follow in a bit, need to make a phone call.
    11. Can't really tell on the luft devices, not a clear enough image. I think that's Hesse, not an RAO. The different swords isn't an immediate dismissal for me. I concur that it does look like a wreath shadow on the Wurttemburg ribbon. Crisp, clean. large scans front and back would help!
    12. I doubt very much that this is real. Condition, the combination, the very shiny polizei device pinned through the backing.....
    13. Hi Jeff, I negotiated a price off eBay awhile back. It was originally posted in the Romanian Forum as I was hoping the numbered order could be researched. never did get an answer on that question. Thought it was time to add it to this thread so all my examples were in the same place!
    14. I also have this "Klein Dekoration" of the First Class Grade on a bar:
    15. Well, I continue to search for the higher grades of this order, preferably cased. I've had no luck on the net. Can anyone recommend a reliable source anywhere on the net? (I know about the set Igor has..... but the price!)
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