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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. More of a fishing expedition on my part. I have received quite an education on the bar and a sister bar that's out there still. Did I post it up, yes, but what I really wanted was to attempt to get all the parties involved in a re-unification of a set broken up long, long ago.
    2. Pure Prussian, Long Service in 4th place, NOT a peace-time Friedrich.... he's wearing all his non-Prussian war awards after. Note the total lack of peace-time awards.
    3. From what I have gleaned over the years; there are two different Schaper badges out there, totally different maker marks and die characteristics. Some people ascribe to the badge shown, some ascribe to the one I have shown. Detlev is still around, just not active on forums, etc. Carsten offered to buy the badge from me. That's good enough for me. I have very large 300dpi images, but they are way to big to post here. So, I guess we'll all just agree to disagree.
    4. Hi Alex, if you click the picture, it gets bigger. As an aside, both Detlev & Carsten have approved of the badge
    5. Here's a surprise find for me, a very nice, original Schaper Sea Pilot Badge! It's been sometime since I've seen one out on eBay, but nonetheless, here it is!
    6. OK, the only comment he had was "I should have been a weatherman". The crux of the bar back then would still be the MVO4X on a statute ribbon. Someone had to have swapped out the pre-1915 MVK (blue enamel, no flames) for the more common MVO4x. That's the one piece that makes no sense to me from the prior thread. Thoughts?
    7. I just read it..... I see I never posted in that thread. perhaps I didn't agree with RR at the time, I don't know. But having said that, I will be calling him shortly to tell him what was on the bar in 2009! Good eye Sasha, I had no recollection of the bar from before. Since Ulan was in China, I wonder if he stripped the bar and resold it based on what was said here......
    8. OK, falling back from my previous post. Upon close examination (and serious fondling by Geoff.....) this was made as a medal bar. There is evidence of threads that would have tied down ose's, slight curling of ribbon edges where medals were sewn in and lumps of thread from the same below the ribbons. Unfortunately, being completely befuddled by an ASTONISHINGLY fabuluous German meal of spaetzle, red cabbage and wursts..... supplied by WildCard (much thanks, much thanks, much thanks) and besotted with home-made Ginger Snaps from Mother Research..... I waltzed out without my scans. So, I will make new ones when I have recuperated fully from the conclave.
    9. PS: When did we see this one before..... I'm getting old and don't remember everything! Just most things ;>)
    10. Yes.... definate ribbon bar, no evidence any medals every hung on this bar, front or back
    11. AWESOME! The bar will be there with a scan of both sides and a detailed report from the chief research gnome. Big box of bars enroute to my house btw.... should be interesting!
    12. I know it's good. The Other Rick knows it's good too. What I want...... is for you'se guys to tell me why! :whistle:
    13. OK, tell me why this Bavarian, old-style (South German) ribbon bar is good! C'mon, ya know you have an opinion about it! :whistle:
    14. My biggest concern here is the quality of the '39 spange & the 40 year LS Luft device(s). Of course that's on top of what others have already stated.
    15. Apparently I am still having trouble seeing all the images that should load. I totally missed the booklets on page 3! Very nice indeed!
    16. Be careful what you ask for..... I suspect yours is even rarer given the Beamter ribbon.... even without the crown!
    17. Still waiting. I have a CD full of records on him. Hoping Daniel or maybe Dave can dig a picture out at the archives! :whistle:
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