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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. The "Other, other Rick" is convinced that is not his Mom's name........ but rather his before he had his operation! This came from our good collectcing friend Farkas in Hungary. I don't see a copy of this in Charles' book.... I don't know if anyone else has one??
    2. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2012/post-120-0-56996100-1330087639.jpgA Very Large Pointy Headed Gentleman For Glenn This portrait is alas under glass, with a Hamburg framer’s label. Unfortunately I couldn’t come up with a match for a Hamburg-resident Landwehr cavalry Rittmeister who might have been in 18th Corps uniform. His ribbon bar is: EK2 1914, even I’m not sure, Hamburg Hanseatic, and the last two in that mysterious old period chromatic reversal, undoubtedly a Prussian Reserve/Landwehr long service award and an 1897 Centenary Medal. That would indicate he’d been a One Year Volunteer 1896/97… or a regular then who slipped into the Landwehr. Given the snappy regimental outfits possible, I can’t imagine why any officer would have wanted to dress up like an Unteroffizier-circus ringmaster!! Thanks to Evil Ricky for posting. With gasoline what it is, doesn’t look good for much traveling back and forth from The Island this year! Rick Research
    3. The Man in The Straw Hat This interesting photo shows a ferociously mustachio’d fellow in what I take to be a Boxer Rebellion colonial outfit. I cannot explain the TWO officer-type cockades, since Imperial troops would only have worn the large tricolor cockade. Since there was only one army officer from Lübeck sent off to China, my best current identification is added beneath the enlarged scan, The photo was made “misty” on very slick stock, which is unfortunate, since a SHARP image would have revealed much more detail! Thanks to Evil Ricky for posting these for me since I’ve been offline these last 2 years… and to cousin Ulsterman for being at another table when the show dealer turned up to price this!
    4. Bemedalled sepia paymaster Here are nice scans of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin paymaster Cousin Ulsterman kindly started rolling with a mailed printout. My thanks as always to Glenn for almost real-time trans-Atlantic postal/telephonic help and to Dave for his welcome additions posted above. BTW Dave—get in touch with me. I have STRELITZ 1870 and 1914 war crosses rolls done... and probably other things we should compare notes on. Life is too short to do things twice-over! J Thanks to Evil Ricky for posting these scans! Rick Yesthereislifeoffline Research
    5. Some of you may remember the spectral appearance of a certain individual on occassion here..... he sends love and kisses and the following images and discussions for your amusement! Enjoy!
    6. The award booklet in question. There's a heavy embossing of an image of the badge right into the back cover!
    7. Hi Jeff, I think I screwed up the number.... I believe I have a document for 2142, not 2124. That would have been cool
    8. BTW..... it's not being returned because there's something wrong with the bar. Now that the recipient has been ID'd, I have purchased the bar back from Chris. Just so we're all clear on that point. The bar is good, has been ID'd and I am quite thrilled to have it coming back. i don't let a General Staff officer slip through my hands very often! :whistle:
    9. That's a slippery slope! Check with Uwe Bretzendorfer in Germany, he usually has nice Saxon pieces at fair prices.
    10. Chris, if you're unhappy with the bar, you can send it back. You know where to find me via eMail. Mailing address has changed. PM me and I'll give it to you. As far as the ID goes.... last time I checked, not every bar is possible to ID.
    11. Bonjour Christophe! There's absolutely nothing wrong with this bar..... the use of different types of swords can be documented on hundreds and hundreds of original, period bars. Having said that..... is a healthy amount of paranoia required? Absolutely. One of the major reasons I stepped away from selling was the fact that more and more reproductions, fakes and utter crap started creeping into the market. Please note in the examples below I have included my original image of the bar when I sold it. I stood behind this bar then and continue to now. As an aside, Rick Research vetted every ribbon bar I ever sold. For whatever that's worth. I have sold over 1700 ribbon bars when I was actively dealing and I actually have photos of most of them still! I can post additional examples of original, period bars with multiple types of swordes on them if you'd like. Is it perfect? No, these types of bars fall under what we used to call in the old days "The Ugly" Hope this helps, Best regards, Rick
    12. My new 1952 (dated on the bar, a variation I did not have) Stakhanovite Badge & Document, with award case.
    13. My second 1955 Liberation Parade Badge. Still really like this badge! Does anybody have a case/packet for this?
    14. Last piece for now, a nice screw-back Infantry Badge, RPR period.
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