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    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Not to hijack the thread... but yes, many of us are avid Tolkien fans.... not only do I read all the trilogy books... repeatedly, but I also ponied up to the bar for the "Super-Secret, Deluxe, Boxed, Director's-Cut versions of the movies! You have not really experienced the vison until you have watched all 17 hours of the film back to back!
    2. Thus one of the pitfalls of Imperial... can't remember everything and no shortage of people trying to burn us. Thanks Marshall!
    3. So someone made a copy of Model's staff!? I guess what's more interesting is HH actually describing it as such!
    4. Here's a pass to a 1984 Warsaw Pact War Games issued to a Bulgarian. I wonder if this is the same event... the matching badge is one of the few pieces missing from the group and i have passed over a number of the Czech badges for 1984 as I was told by another member that the badge for these games should look just like the image on the pass! Perhaps he was mistaken!?? Also, I have seen the 1984 badge in several different quality ranges!
    5. Can anyone add Sofia Honored Citizen Badges with/without documents? What about other towns?
    6. From the town of Yambol, again from Minister Pankov's Group. "The Golden Diana", highest honor the town can bestow. I have no clue if this came with a badge, Plaque... whatever. All I received was the document:
    7. Example of a document from 1977, awarded to Georgi Tsankov Pankov. Badge/case were identical. Heavy bronze badge with a strong clip on the reverse.
    8. I have seen a number of "Honored Citizen" awards in various groups as well as scattered about on the forum. Thought it would be good to bring them all together, I'll start of with Ruse. I have two documented examples of "Honored Citizen of Ruse" badges. Both are cased and documented. One of Theodor's translation was award of "Third Grade"... so I assume now that there is a second (silver) and gold (first). While I have not seen a document for silver, or the badge or document for gold... here's what I can share thus far! Honored Citizen of Ruse, awarded in 1971 to Ivan Spasov Dandilov:
    9. Assuming the MVR Spartakadia Badges follow the same trends as other Bulgarian awards.... I will guess this 1979 Badge is of a higher grade than the previously posted 1979 example?
    10. OK, this one has arrived. Number/badge/case match the first one I have. I am now wondering if the Bulgarian ones are numbered and the Romanian ones are not? Kev in Deva has an older post in the Romanian Badges thread with a third un-numbered example. I know this is a very small sample but we have two that originated in Bulgaria with numbers and three that originated in Romania with no numbers. Also, as in my first example, this one does have a matching number on the hinge end of the box!
    11. Here's a new arrival. A very colorful Border Guard Badge, I suspect for a unit again? Can anyone tell which one?
    12. Geez, I almost hate to say this... but based on the images shown, as a Prinzen, I actually like what I see! I have only handled a few this early so I would be interested in what other members have to say. You might wish to double-post your question in the Iron Cross Forum as well.
    13. I like Border Guard Badges from the different IC Countries. I've wanted some of these for some time and picked up this pair awhile back at the one local show. Fooling around with a "free" camera as the scanner will not keep them from rotating. So here's a lousy picture of two (from what I can tell earlier) Czech BG Badges.
    14. I made her a rather high offer considering the condition and received no response whatsoever. If she continues to break the group, I will bid on the pieces that interest me. However I am also quite sure that she now has an overly-inflated, fantasy-realm thought regarding the value of the piece(s). Reality is there's maybe $2800.00 worth of individual pieces there and for me, that's a serious maybe given you have no clear idea what the condition of the enameled orders are from the images she has shown. If every single piece was mint-pristine, including the ribbons, I could see more. Frankly, even as an ID'd bar, in my eyes the only thing on the bar that makes it truly special is the presence of the Saxon VO1x.
    15. Hi Beau, outstanding finds. I'm not even going to say why....... the bar is oh so very special!
    16. Hi Theoodor, Thanks! He received a forty years revolution medal, but not a 40 years MVR. Well, at least not with group if he did get it. There is a 20, 25, 30 year jubilee medal. My speculation is maybe he was retired already? Still interesting and first time I have seen a card like it. Thanks!
    17. I picked up a small MVR group, mostly jubilee medals, similar to much already seen/posted. However, there is this one document in the group I have not seen before. Can anyone help to explain what this is? Thanks! Rick
    18. Another numbered issue and boxed! Winging its' way to me now. Unfortunately, no document. Curious as I have two numbered examples, you have two examples with no number. Note the number on the one below, not far off of the first example I posted. Your document looks identical to mine, so i am unsure if Romania would have issued a different document or not. As Ed was fond of saying.... so many unanswered questions! (First thing I'll be doing is checking to see if there's a number on the end of the case like the other example!!)
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