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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Hi Christer, I agree. the earliest of the Bulgarian Badges are almost always of very high quality and have a dramatic edge to them.
    2. Here's the badge that came with my set. I've seen a few of these the last couple of years; but the enamel was always damaged. I never expected to find a document!
    3. There are a couple examples of this badge scattered through the forum but I thought it was time to dedicate a thread. This is the earliest of the Bulgarian Partisan Badges. Typical early construction with "mirror back". Please add your examples in. I know at least one member has this cased. Here's my example:
    4. Well, whether good or bad, if he doesn't communicate I'd steer clear. That's just not sound buying practices.
    5. ... and yes, I know the Albert on the bar does not match the images I have shown. The majority of the Albert Orders I have owned over the years were Scharffenberg. This piece is probably Rossner or Glaser. Was there a mark on the bottom arm?
    6. Here's a different example of a Hero Labor Document. I have heard this called a "luxury" type. Group included this document in a large, heavy folder, ribbon in the center to hold the documents. Embossed gold cover page with embossed gold perimeter band, the document and an original of the ukaz. (translation help greatly appreciated)
    7. In fact... I'll buy every one you can supply cased for $400, I'm open to any similar offers for any grade of the Albert Order. Thanks!!!
    8. Hi Claudio, I will buy every Albert Order, Second Class with Swords that you can supply me in this condition without a case for the price you mention... Please PM me if you have them available. Thanks. regarding the defect on the reverse. It's a defect, it's not a fake. My 2 cents, for what it's worth.
    9. No obvious problems with the Albert Order. Ask him to check the bottom arm, bottom edge. That's normally where you'll find a hallmark. No hallmark doesn't make the cross bad. Check and see if he has black-lighted the ribbons. If not, ask him if he gurantees the piece original/period bar. If it fails a blacklight test, simply return it for a refund. I have seen no shortage of minty-clean bars over the years. Yes, there's a ton of newly-made bars being circulated; how many have you seen with actual orders on them? If you price it strictly on the value of the individual awards, my best guess would be you're safe in the $5-600 range.
    10. Hi Paul, there were a few other decorations with this bar when it used to make the rounds at the show... (??) I seem to have stuck in my head some kind of neck chain, or perhaps a gorget-type thingie... Did you get other awards or just the bar & cross?
    11. So What we have here is the award of hero Labor & (second) Simitrov Order in 1981! (Groan) those are missing from his group. Given 1985, I wonder if individual documents & cases, or a paired set. I will scan all the images when the album arrives. For now, here's the dedication. (Transalation help greatly appreciated!)
    12. Based upon the original images, I see no problem with this bar. Looks like a classic Saxon Jr. officer, bumped up war-time from the ranks, retired ca. 1920. The Civilian style bar is in proper sequence/precedence for a Saxon. The absence of the Honor Cross (Combattant) and the presence of the Vet. medal dates it somewhere between 1920 and 1933/34 -ish... The ribbon folding from what I can see is consistent across the bar and consistent with saxon-style folding I have handled over the years. I would buy it!
    13. I was excited to see this in the upcoming Ziege sale. But in studying the additional posted images I requested; I have a few concerns. I would appreciate opinions and thoughts before I take the plunge and bid. To me, the document looks original, I like the entry for name, stamps, etc. But I do not like that the name is one ink and the medal itself is in a different ink and possibly penmanship? The ribbon is very loose and not as tight as any official piece I have handled yet. These two things have me hesitating. Your thoughts? Thanks!
    14. Hello Petr, Happy New Year. What about the lack of gilding on the piece? Also, the detail on the swords looks different to me. (Look at hilts) The other thing I see is a two-part, hollow order; not the solid piece as normally issued?
    15. Well, sometimes it's a little easier to spot the copy... You have to really give this fellow credit for creativity though!
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