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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. And a side-view that shows the two halves/seam pretty well.
    2. Just after Christmas I was given an opportunity to purchase this odd example of a first class award. Hollow, substantial weight difference from an awarded Type 1, per him, only one confirmed award and only a dozen known examples. Note the lack of enamel on the reverse center disc. I debated for a bit, but eventually passed as a little too oddball/exotic for me (but mostly because he had a pretty interesting group for me as well!) I am curious if anyone has ever seen one of these before? If I can confirm the details, I will adjust our Typology thread accordingly.
    3. Wow! Thanks Kev, that makes two we know of so far. Does anyone else have any examples?
    4. Geez, never noticed that stripe on the back! Now doesn't that ribbon correspond to one of the Prussian spange LS awards?
    5. http://cgi.ebay.de/MILITAR-FLUGZEUGFUHRER-ABZEICHEN-UND-MINIATUR_W0QQitemZ280444458474QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMilitaria?hash=item414bcad5ea This one is still circulating. The mark is very close and the finish/appearance of the badge has gotten much better..... but still a copy, anyway you dice it. Note they are still using a stupid pin/hinge assembly. If they finally correct that issue.... many people will probably get fooled until they have it in their hands.
    6. Duh! Answered my own fuzziness.... Cornflower Blue! Maybe it should be a regular Army 25 year cross??
    7. Hi Chet, Happy New Year! Very nice bar, especially with what looks like the issued EK2 remounted after the Centennial Medal came out. I'm not sure what you meant by wrong ribbon on the LSC? Were not all the LSC's (regular & Landwehr) awarded on the blue LS ribbon? I know there were different ribbons associated with the spange for NCO's, but I have no memory of ever seeing the Reserve LSC on anything other than a standard blue LS ribbon? In any event, fantastic bar!
    8. Saxon Military Order of Saint Henry Medal (Silver?)(Gold?) Saxon Honor Cross with Swords Saxon Friedrich August Medal (Silver?) Prussian EK2 Merit Cross to Sax-Ernestine House Order with Swords Sax-Altenburg Bravery Medal Saxon Long Service Cross (15 Years-NCO)(possibly a 20 year depends on what year pix was taken...) Prussian SW Afrika KDM w. Kalahari 1908 Service Bar (Note the oddity of period photography that reverses color hues on the St. Henry & FAM ribbons)
    9. I have asked Carsten for images of the documents. They are not always willing to oblige.... It's an interesting group but if memory serves the documents were not complete. I'll be interested in seeing the name.
    10. OK, sorry but now I'm confused! Your initial post stated "EK2, etc.", last post reversed the order. Usually when discussing a bar we read "Left to right" for precedence. If your bar is (left to right) BMVK2X, BMVK3X, EK2 then it is correct for a Bavarian pre-1934/5. However, without any images it's impossible to comment on authenticity. Frack bars were made for wear usually with a civilian top-coat/dress coat in mind. Because they stretch from low up to high under/along the lapel; the highest precedence award would be at the top to signify its' importance.
    11. PS: Phil, unless your bar is a civilian mount (ie "frack" style)the precedence is totally wrong for a Bavarian, pre-1934. I'm going to guess it is a civilian mount as the reverse order would be correct....
    12. Not an official award, but rather a unit pin? Can anyone help? Thanks! Rick
    13. New one, Twenty Years Foundation People's Army. Quality is really very nice, possibly Soviet manufacture? There is no number, but it looks almost like initials scratched in!
    14. Hi Beau, many Saxons favored this type of mounting ribbon, this medal would not have been awarded to anyone other than a Saxon.
    15. Can someone please help me with this name? Thanks! It's a solo Red Banner Labor document/set
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