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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. 1981 was a very, very good year for General Colonel Palin.... Another first here, the Honor Badge for The DKMS:
    2. In 1981 he receives a Dimitrov Order. We are assuming this is on the occassion of his 60th birthday. no fancy congratulation documents this time, unfortunately.
    3. In 1978, he receives a Merit Medal for Transportation Troops. Another one I don't believe has been posted here before.
    4. Interior of the award book, I think this is the first time this one has been posted here.
    5. There's a couple of scarcer pieces in this group, beginning with this 1976 award for 25 Years of Civil Defense.
    6. We have seen these documents before but I have not seen one in the plastic cover ever!
    7. This arrived today in a group to a Bulgarian general in the MVR (Ministry of Interior)
    8. Nice images, Thanks!! Do you have acces to many pictures? I have some Generals in my collection and I would love to get pictures!
    9. Well, we always wonder about completeness. I've seen groups split and scattered to the 4 corners of the globe. I do work pretty hard at keeping things as complete as possible and was quite pleased to find this little beauty that belongs to the group!!
    10. These are beautiful! Thanks! Have you ever seen an award document?
    11. I've seen a few paper documents, but not one with the color highlights!
    12. I usually wait for the scan-meister to record the items I get, but I am just so very pleased with this one; I am just compelled to share. Early style document!!
    13. My understanding of the undated crosses is the same as Seeheld (welcome home!). Undated crosses were used for the various "campaigns" during the inter-war years (1870-1914), primarily for Colonial campaigns.
    14. Well, if the 1864 turns out to be a "replacement" for a missing 1870..... I'd love to meet the fellow who had a "spare"..... :speechless:
    15. a very sweet congratulations from The Boss of Bosses himself.... T. Zhivkov!
    16. Finally, in this plain little envelope addressed to the General, but no stamp/return address and perhaps delivered by special courier......
    17. Next up, another leatherette folder from The Commander of The Ministry of Defense. Cover:
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