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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Lt Colonel Yenyev's Second Class. Came with Order's Book and General Citation
    2. OK, here's your pix. My thoughts: Bronze gilt, made post 1945. Hot enamel work inconsistent with any German (or Austrian) manufacturing pre-1945 that I have ever handled. Made when.... not sure, but I lean towards later much. Note the center portrait looks wonderful until you get very, very close.... then it almost looks like a transfer! Yes, I have returned it for a refund despite the very high quality.... just not high enough.
    3. That is (IMO) a classic type ! VO2mS He paid very high for it because it is real!
    4. And more.... In/Out stamps... but for what? ALSO! A HUGE thanks for The Magic Epson Man? and his help! :jumping:
    5. And the final gratis document: Military Reserve Officer's ID Booklet!
    6. And now, his Bulgarian Communist Party ID/Dues Book. Note the shift in titles from "Communist" to "Socialist":
    7. Now for the fun stuff... again, all of these were added into the shipment at no fee!! Temporary Membership Card in the Bulgarian Socialist Party:
    8. No, it was not sold as a copy. And until I have it in-hand.... I don't think it is either. We shall see what it is when it arrives. More to follow. Consider this an investigation!
    9. I received this group today. I was most surprised and quite happy to see the seller included an additional medal and document along with a number of additional ID's with photos (!!!!!!!!!) of the original recipient! Now isn't that refreshing!! Details to follow!
    10. As an aside, I do understand that it does not conform with most of the pre-1920 pieces from Glaser or Scharffenberg. Clearly a later piece, but certainly not one of the usual copies. The quality (even visible on crappy seller scans) is way above that. I will be taking a hard look at it when it arrives!
    11. Yep, the cased one in Deutschland went for over double the US one..... me thinks I have had my one "deal of the year" moment. No details on the recipient, looks more to me that the seller is breaking a rather large collection based on what he's sold thus far.
    12. One and the same..... I just couldn't help myself. I cannot remember the last one I saw sell for such a low price.... slippery slope.... been here before.... Is there a 12-step program for ex-St. Henry Collectors?
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