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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I think the bar is fine, it just has mis-placed medals/bad cross.... Whatever it was, before whomever it was that sold it to Ken.... it must have been interesting.. I concur with Boonzie's comment.... Ken trusts the folks selling to him to be "on the square"..... unfortunately, they are not always.... and Ken gets taken advantage of. He turns up some incredible pieces.... you just have to know what you are looking at...
    2. Excellent! I have all the medals that came with the group... interesting that he received such different merit medals! Thank you (as always!) for your assistance!
    3. I have this group that is supposed to be to one person. But the names are not all exactly the same.... Not the first time I have seen this in Bulgarian documents/groups. Why is there such an inconsistency in names/spelling of same? Or, are these really not the same person? I thought it was especially interesting that he would have such diverse medals!!
    4. But this one is always my favorite. Worn with great pride, perhaps.
    5. Hi Petr, I agree. There were no long service or jubilee medals included. I suppose it's possible there's orders missing as well....
    6. So.... we have a very early styled Order's Book being used in 1969 & added to in 1974! Now my (Truly) Evil Twin? believes that these were jubilee awards given the years awarded. So, we then must wonder was he a war invalid? A party member? What else did he receive that is out there loose?? I guess we'll never know for sure. In the interim, I will look for a nice cased 9th September to complete the pair...
    7. Here's where it gets real interesting.... this page from the Order's Book was not shown by the seller.... he received this award in 1969. He also received a 9th September in 1974!
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