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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. The plot thickens..... now that I have this in-hand what I see is a probably correct transitional award. The Order itself is thin, hot enamels with a stippled back. I have only one other example like this. The other example is mounted on a later aluminum suspension. This new piece looks like it's been together forever:
    2. And another view with the nice titled case. Late badge, but still very nice!
    3. I know the Russian word for this, but I'll be dipped if I can spell it.... Best I can say is "Excellent Volontary Police Man/Militia" Badge..... A little harder to find than the regular one. Stunning condition and cased!!
    4. The doll collection was for the wife of the owner of one of the NE Hockey teams. (Their bedroom was bigger than my entire house...) Nice people, she liked pre-1920 European dolls, primarily German & French... a little Spanish tossed in for fun. They developed an infestation of Golden Casemaking Clothing Moths. Nasty little buggers, very hard to get rid of. Ultimately, they went fumigation. I had advised against it. Some of the wax dolls were damaged as were some period clothing from the treatment. On the other hand; after about 3 months we had successfully eliminated the problem in the home. The house itself was treated with a combination of pheromone traps, IGR's and other materials. In essence; everything fabric in the house had to be dry-cleaned. It was a battle. (usually with homeowner compliance with my instructions) If your freezers reach -80C. that will do it. Remember that emergence of adults is contingent upon a multitude of environmental factors. Heat, moisture content of the wood, humidity even starch content of the cellulose fibers that actually constitutes 98% of wood is critical. I've seen wood-boring beetles emerging from kiln-dried lumber 4 years after being installed in a house!!!
    5. (A) Deep freeze will kill them, We're talking sub-zero. Your home freezer will probably NOT do it. Talk to antique shops and find someone who does this... it's not an uncommon occurrence. I was involved in getting a (2.5mil+) doll collection treated..... (B) If someone offers to GIVE you something..... you'll be in violation of a multitude of laws.... passing out Vikane (or any other fumigant) gas used for fumigation will kill you and everyone in your home. Geez guys, this IS what I do for living for 25+ years now......
    6. Just a quick note.... the document/folder for this badge is at least double the size of an "ordinary" orders book!!
    7. Common name.... powder post beetle. Remove medals, etc. bake case in oven, 180 F. 8-10 hours. (if plastic cover..... remove it! ;>) ) They will infest other materials in your home that are made of hardwoods..... where did you get the case? You should advise them of the problem!
    8. They are some type of coptera (beetle).... probably infesting the wood of your display, or the fabric. the images are not concise enough for me to ID. You need to kill some without crushing them..... place them on a flatbed scanner and scan top and bottom.
    9. They are close to bedbugs... but that's not what they are and they would be elsewhere in the house. This is a bedbug:
    10. There's no point in treating without a proper identification. Take the sample insect to a local extension service or agricultural experiment station and get it ID'd properly. Once I know what it is; I can tell you how to resolve the issue. Alternately... post LARGE scans of the critter here and I'll see if I can figure this out for you.
    11. I recently perused the originals at length.... fascinating stuff. The epitome of a "Lifetime Opus"..... Thanks to all involved, especially Eric's family and dear friends. Also thanks to Rick & Paul for their dedication to common knowledge.
    12. Saw many things at the last local show, but this really appealed....
    13. Very inspiring group. But more importantly...... stop taking the "hard knocks"! Feel better soon!
    14. This one arrived yesterday.... the pix don't do it justice. It's stunningly nice. Will have it Epsonized asap! :jumping:
    15. You simply cannot visualize the quality of these battle bars unless you have them in your hands. They were unbelievable!!
    16. While I was afforded the opportunity to hold this gem in person...... I was forced to wear a drool-bid at the time. It was worth it!
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