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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I have finally found my very first document for ANY KDS badge or medal..... ever. I have asked my contacts to search but no-one has been able to find anything until now. Th theory is most of these types of order/medal/badge documents were destroyed to prevent implication/association and possible reprisal against former members of the Bulgarian Secret Police (equivalency to the Russian KGB) Excellent Employee of the KDS Badge:
    2. This badge is an 800 silver marked retired pilot and is only the second time I have seen a badge by this maker. The construction and pin appear to be unique to this one manufacturer. I have seen a total of three badges that conform to this maker in the last 15 years! Just like the "Square Mark" badges, we have no idea who this is!
    3. It's not an incredible amount of work... it's an opus with a total of dozens of boxes of notes and records, carefully maintained and nourished over the decades. Awe-inspiring would be more accurate. The number of people involved in the actual facts, figures and statistics today is rather dismal. There are the keepers of the flame.... Rick Research, Daniel krause, Paul Chepurko.... but not many others.
    4. Hi Miguel, if the price was reasonable for the 2 pieces..... now you get the fun of finding the cross to match the document!
    5. Saxon ranklists were the same way. Thin paper, very fragile, very hard to find in decent shape these days...
    6. Hi Mike, very interesting... I would agree that all pieces look period, pre-1930's.... but I also think that's a cast piece, maybe Weimar era?
    7. Hi Beau, I was watching this set and concur that they originally were a set. My concern and why I ended up not bidding is the EK2s don't look quite right to me? Especially now with your scans... theses EK2s sure don't look like period, silver-framed pieces to me and the cores don't look quite right either. By no means am I an 1870 expert... this is my gut reaction while on eBay and again now. I think the medal bars themselves are good. But notice the snipped mounting threads where the EK2 was originally tied in place? I also wasn't real thrilled with the battle bars. Other comments/opinions?
    8. I think anytime we see multiples of mounting peg holes in the tang..... whatever blade bears them bears serious examination and study. I have a friend in town here with such a blade that he rummaged out of an auction house years ago.... I will attempt to get images from it for your enjoyment.
    9. I would have to concur with Prosper's summation of the issues with this document. Inconsistent with (most) known original award documents (even weel-worn ones) of the period.
    10. Here's an interesting comparison. Sabi Stefanov Dimov received two Type 1 Order's of The People's Republic. These both came on the later, 1980's type suspension. I was interested in the group as one was very different than any I had seen before. Note the very subtle differences on these awards. It appears we have at the very least; two different dies, possible two different makers. the one with the offset higher center screw post is substantially thicker as well. Pictures are huge:
    11. Well, that is a relief. Anytime I've run into someone who will not accept any "normal" payment method, including the extreme of Detlev offering to have cash delivered..... and insists on strictly Western Union... Well, I wouldn't do it. So Andreas, you're a braver man than me!! Sweet bar. As an aside, I concur the bar was bought at a pretty bargain price from what I see.
    12. Lowest number I have seen yet and my guess would be awarded to someone important at the time. Very nice!
    13. Hmmm, just now noticing that document one has been altered!! But then over-written in Korean Kangi!!??
    14. This pair of documents came from one source in Sophia and I am reasonable certain they were to one man; despite the slight variation on birth date. Can anyone help translate these for me? Thanks!
    15. Booklet details. Too bad they stopped putting pix in these in the 1980's...
    16. Here's my Second Class... it was a little tough to find this set but I am very happy with it!
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