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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Thanks very much Theodor! This is the first time I have seen such an "official copy" of an award decree. Very interesting!
    2. This is not your typical award card one sees with Bulgarian medals, nor is it the typical orders book. Can anyone help me with exactly what this is? Awarded to? Thanks! Rick
    3. Details. Note that again, no award number entered in the book. Decree number and award date on the right page.
    4. Reverse. Note the vent hole and hand-engraved serial number:
    5. Perhaps Petr can expand on this version for us please? This one was awarded in 1959.
    6. Hi Petr, so this one must be a "light" version because of the vent hole?
    7. What about the odd placement of the nut? I have not seen an off-set one before this. Note the "circular shadow) on the reverse as well... Have you ever seen this before Petr? Thanks
    8. I thought it was interesting that we appear to have two different Type 1 awards based on the position of the mounting screw/nut. I don't remember seeing one offset like this before?
    9. Sabi Stefanov Dimov not only received two First Class Orders of The people's Republic... he received them both as Type 1 awards!
    10. Thanks Josef, I see what you mean on the LSC... I should have looked closer at the ribbon; the colors are actually reversed from what the Austrian cross should have....
    11. Medal Bar: Republic of Austria (post WW1,pre-anschluss) (don't remember name) Imperial Austria: Franz Joseph Order, Knight's Cross (War Ribbon) Military Merit Cross (War Ribbon) Signum Laudis (War Ribbon, maybe Silver Medal) Signum Laudis (War Ribbon, probably Bronze Medal) Imperial Bavarian Military Merit Cross w. Crown & Swords (NOTE: mounted backwards!) Imperial Austrian Officer's Long Service Cross Imperial Prussian Iron Cross, 2. Klasse
    12. I like the bar. I think construction is consistent with an "old timer".... but I think the Long Service cross is mis-matched. I don't think a TR-25 though. I would think a Reserve Landwher 20 makes more sense?
    13. I will add some images of the similar one with no punch tonight. There are other characteristics that don't exactly match. This may be strictly to hand-finishing of silver badges; but I'll let you fellows with better eyes figure that out!
    14. Last type, no number, gilded brass(?). Third Class, Cased
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