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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Award Document, Type 3: Standard Orders Book. Hard cover folder with paper inserts. Inside front cover, space provided for photo/signature of recipient. Next page, name of recipient. Next page, Award type/Class, decree date and Ministry stamp. Next two pages, regulations governing use/wear of the order.
    2. Well, I am certainly no expert on anything, but I will agree with you on every point you have made. The entire thing looks home-made out of various parts. Pin looks like a snipped piece of wire. Gold eagle is certainly different than the silver one and I have difficulty a period maker would have done that. Catch on the bar certainly looks hand=snipped. Glowing ribbon is never a good thing unless they are all glowing due to some dry-cleaning agent.... etc., etc., etc.
    3. I received a new group to a Bulgarian Big-Whig and included is this Mongolian Medal. Can anyone ID it for me? I went through almost every thread here and every image at OMSA and could not find a match! Thanks!
    4. There's less than a dozen known original examples of this device out and about. I will try and dig through my archives for images of an accepted original device on a ribbon bar I own. The differences between an original and these low-grade cast fakes is pretty striking.
    5. Award Documents for The Order 9th September 1944: Thus far, I have observed three different types of Award Documents for this Order. An A4 oversized document, a simple paper folder and the Orders Book (with all the different variations within that type of document, too numerous to discuss here!) Type 1: A4 paper document. Awarded inception through 1946 ( and later?). Includes award date and occasionally a specific mention of the feat that earned the award. Type 2: Paper document, folded into a booklet.(One example found, dated 1946). (I am unaware if this was in lieu of an A4 document or possibly in conjunction with the large document.) Type 3: Hard covered orders book with photo of recipient, award/decree date, Order Type & Class entered.
    6. Hi Prosper, middle guy looks Soviet based on collar tabs.... but that looks like a Bulgarian WW2 Jubilee Medal hanging there?. Left guy could be Bulgarian, or Soviet. General officer Boards for both were pretty much the same. I can see a school rhomb in top photo, but again, from a distance, could be Sov or Bulgaria. Last guy's uniform possibly Romanian, or some other? Ribbon bar is unlike any Bulgarian ones I've handled from post '45. Any chance of bigger scans of the insignia.
    7. Nice partial group Christer. So many of these have been broken up, I'm happy to be able to get partials and i never stop looking for additional pieces to known names. I believe your last document is Bulgarian and the ink stamps look like MVR stamps. Can you post bigger scans please? Theodor? Petr? Anatoly? Can anyone help? Thanks, Rick
    8. Well, to me, this is exactly it. He received two screwback orders, very early on (these would have been on type 1 documents). But more importantly, in 1959, he receives the very first of the suspension 9th Septembers, NOT a neck order. This gives us a better time frame as to when this switch occurred. Also, note that in 1959 he receives one orders book with all four current awards entered. Again, this helps time-line when they started the practice of new award, new book. I don't know for sure when the practice started, but at least at this point in 1959, everyone still had one book.
    9. I will save the rest of this group for later, it's a very exciting one on a number of levels. But I thought that for now, you would enjoy observing and discussing his Orders Book. Given at the time of his receipt of a 9th September, First Class. Take a look at the orders and the award dates!!!
    10. I couldn't find this in the thread, please excuse if a duplicate entry. Here we have two badges/medals for some type of MVR sporting event, one from 1974, one from 1976
    11. Sorry, out of order... here's a 30 Years Border Guards Badge
    12. Here's 35 Years Border Guards, one in silver and one in gold. No clue as to what the different base color may, or may, not signify!
    13. Late (1980's?) styled Excellent Border Guard Badge, First & Second Class:
    14. Same design, but "Senior" (??) Border Guard? Painted, no enamel!
    15. So...... the big question for me is why this difference in Long Service Awards? Just as we thought we were seeing a trend in MVR/KDS Groups from officers.... Military Merit Medal at 5 years, 10 Years Long Service, etc. We now find this group that breaks that trend completely! :(
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