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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Iordan Tsonev Sotirov received an Excellence in Socialest Competion Badge from the USSR in 1975.
    2. Second Class, Type 3d: (note significantly smaller suspension and the much darker enamel wreath/ring)
    3. For Merit In Protecting The Public Order Medal. Rare document type, previously unposted. This would have come with a Type 2 Medal (New Coat of Arms for KDS), however my information thus far is that this type of document was only used for one (1) year!
    4. We actually have quite a bit on Stengel, did you forget I owned his ribbon bar, silverware, etc., etc., etc....??
    5. Rick Research believes folks in here might find this thread of interest. I have a group enroute to a man involved in this project in 1954. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40049 Enjoy!
    6. Matching document. So very few Bulgarian awards were ever numbered, with the exception of some early issues of a few orders and early badges, it's really nice to find a documented set that we know actually goes together!
    7. Why the interest? Well, I was wondering if anyone has seen one of these little gems before? Also, does anyone know how many were actually awarded?
    8. The Giurgiu-Rousse Friendship Bridge: Opened on 20 June 1954 and designed by Georgi Ovcharov (some websites list a P. Andreev as the designer), this 2800 meter steel-truss bridge connects the Bulgarian city of Ruse with the Romanian city of Giurgiu on the North bank of the Danube River. An ambitious project for the era, please see some one of the many images that can be gleaned from public-domain sites.
    9. Petr, right-click and save the image. What's posted is the best I have. Thanks! i
    10. Found this little gen in the tiny plastic issue case, with ribbon bar for a mere $10.00!
    11. Finally found the Silver Grade of this prder for short moneu in Canada. I like the piece, but cannot bring myself to pay the asking price for these in Bulgaria given that none of the Silver or Gold Grade were ever even awarded! U will admit to having been sorely tempted when Silver Grade (Numbered 8) passed through eBay, Nonetheless, I am quite content with this example!
    12. Those fellows sure got around! It was only seeing the photo that jogged my memory that I had a different image of them in my files!
    13. Congratulations Don, I've been patiently awaiting this one to resurface
    14. Spotted this unusual ribbon bar on eBay. I think we can be reasonably certain the East Medal ribbon is new... but the Croation ribbons and devices are rather interesting. I wonder what the first ribbon was originally? Clearly a German manufactured piece... Yours for a mere $75.00 (!!!) opening bid! :speechless1:
    15. Document interior. Same format as the last type Hero of Labor document.
    16. State prize for Honored Worker for Culture (?) Theodor, can you help with the translation please?
    17. OK, so it's Military Proficiency, not excellence.... still pretty neat with a document (first one I have seen) to a tanker!
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