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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Interior of the documents showing (then) "Gednik" Dechev. Document issued by "Soviet Group of Southern Forces". The 1985 Jubilee medal is interesting by virtue of the issuing authority: "USSR Deputy Minister of Defense for Cadres"
    2. Just to reinforce the time element here..... His Victory over Fascist Germany Medal from the Soviets in 1945 and the Forty year Jubilee of Victory Medal from the Soviets in 1985:
    3. A very interesting documented group to Bulgarian Air Force Colonel Dechev. Service from WW2 through the late 1980's. While a very complete group (still no way to research and find out if anything is missing....) there's a couple of interesting questions.... if he was in WW2, why does he not receive his 10-Year Long Service Medal until 1961? He then receives his 15-Year LSM in 1966. He was clearly still "employed" through the late 1980's..... but no 20-Year LSM in the group? (I have all of his medals & orders as well as the documents) Another interesting question.... His rank on the Soviet Victory medal lists him as "gednik" (or something close??)... what the heck is that? Meet our Colonel:
    4. Nice set. Can't figure the date out without a much bigger image/picture of that award book.
    5. Yes I won, I was away and bid. Someone satr there and bid 40 times pushing me up up up... This is why I HATE open bidding. This is why I snipe Bottom line, I just snagged a variation I did not have and one more piece of the puzzle... Hopefully they will actually arrive
    6. Will get better scans when it arrives, thanks for your help! Will move to another forum as soon as i figure out where to put it.
    7. Listed as Bulgarian... but I suspect hungary or Yugoslavia? Pretty, cheap... so I bought it. What is it? Thanks!
    8. More clues! I am posting this pix and hopefully will have these pieces for deeper examination.... perhaps we have some more clues to the presence of this odd mark on the reverse of this one: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=265961 There seems to be more transitional elements than we originally thought.... Type 1a, Type 1b (screwbacks/neck orders) Type 2(a), ribboned with screwback **Type 2(b)(?) Riveted (??) Type 2©, dimple back Type 3, smooth back Type 4, smaller suspension (Going from memory here..., sorry for any ommissions) Note the presence of what appears to be rivets in the center where the post/nut used to be!!!
    9. Greetings Theodor, thanks much for the additional details. Thanks!!!! I suspect that there are orders floating around somewhere to this person. A re-unification quest for me?? We shall see. Rick R. translates to "of the Central committee"..... thinks this guy was a flunky/aid not an actual member of the Central Committee..... mostly because of his age. Is this possible? Or was he actually ON the CC? Your thoughts??
    10. My twin believes the crown to be of Frainch design. perhaps this was a knock-off made in France or the UK. original seller purchased it in 1999 in the UK
    11. Scan of the copy of the general order neatly tucked in the lid pocket: Late plastic case:
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