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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Hello Saschaw, no, no pix. But I have seen them on pieces I would have thought were before 1920. Perhaps modified, swapped out or altered by a collector, but not Weimar/WW2 pieces; IMO.
    2. I think this might be the set you're really after... I only have obverse, reverse was corrupted... @ Rick Research.... Please post reverse if available! THX
    3. Look pre 1920.... I don't think there's any way to be 100% from pix. I've seen these on Wound Badges, EK1's & Flight Badges. Be careful not to cross-thread!
    4. My 1870 PG pix were lost in a crash many years back, but as a comparison, here's a pg 1914. Even this much later quality blows away what you have posted and the exact opposite should be true. Your piece should be of substantially higher quality than even this....
    5. I cannot imagine a cross of such poor quality being real. look at the detail... I have seen/owned precious few of these rare birds and the quality/detail/crispness/sharpness of the core was astounding..... Nothing at all like what you have posted here.
    6. Posthumous award to a Bulgarian. See also: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=36669 :speechless1:
    7. I have not seen very many of these medals. I have only seen this one document. Note the number....
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