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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Thanks guys. I was sure it was good when I snapped it up but confirmation is always a good thing.
    2. I agree, a nice worn cross. It has a lot of charactor.
    3. The laquer on some TR badges turns a greenish brown with age.
    4. Brian, does that foto show a guy with an ek2 nichtkampfer(1870 I presume) on his ribbon bar and a kampfer (1914) in his button hole????
    5. Nice looking awards either way. Can you post them individually in thier respective forums or in this thread? The spange to the EK1 appears to be an early one. The bar must be pre-war since it doesn't sport a spange on the ek2.
    6. the reverse. Makes one wonder how many different ways one maker could mark his wares.
    7. I dunno. The one in the middle holding the sign is pretty hot. She can light my fuze.
    8. The reverse. This maker sure used alot of different reverse setups.
    9. Just got this one in, a nice pin back EK1. The brown on the core is lint of some sort that I have to remove.
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