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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. And if a crown, moon, and 800 mark makes an Imperial pilot's badge bad what does it do for this?
    2. You have to give the seller credit for getting that much background into the shot.
    3. Excellent post. I love when we can attach a face to an item. Also interesting that he got a KVK2 which is an under appreiciated award IMO.
    4. Just the one from Detlev though to tell you the truth I haven't studied these and have only owned one so my knowledge is limitted.
    5. Does anyone have a photo of Paul Seyffardt, born 1894, alive 1958. Generalleutant 1.1.43. Taken prisoner as CO 348 Inf Div September 1944, KCIC and GCiG. I would like to see a photo of him as an OBERST wearing his KC. Thanks in advance.
    6. I don't see how you can see anything on those crappy pictures. Detlev had it in hand so I assume he had a better look than we can get from those pics.
    7. Thanks guys. The RK I bought had these papers with it. The note book has Rittmeister Seyffardt's name on it. Does anyone have a picture of him? thanks again.
    8. I have a few papers from a Rittmeister Seyffardt dated 1928 for an exercise in the vicinity of Munster. Participants include: COL Brauchitsch MAJ von Apell MAJ Mattenklott (1st DIV) Rittmeister Seyffardt (KAV. DIV) Hauptmann Kauffmann (5th & 6th DIV) It has plenty of signatures etc... Is there any interest in things like this? I can read quite a bit because it is typed for the most part. There are hand written notes on the backs of some docs. Any of these guys go on to be famous? thanks
    9. Hi Chip. Nice to see another period Juncker maker mark besides on a MSSA. Can you blow that sucker up please?
    10. I'm refocussing my collection and zinkers have no part in it now unless a tombak badge doesn't exist. Hi Ralph, yes, it is real.
    11. But you did reiterate. Yes, it is the one from Detlev's update. One of the few times I was faster than the rest.
    12. I saw those bars last night and was going to post them but the lawnmower was calling, and then the rum and coke. Glad to see they made it here.
    13. The Godet is flat. The second cross is nicely vaulted and the corner reinforcments are rounded so as not to damage the uniform.
    14. How do you like this little beauty?
    15. Here are a couple of EK1s that were waiting for me when I returned from my trip.
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