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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. On the off chance that we have members that own these but don't go to the uniform insignia forum I am posting this link here. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8824 Thanks
    2. Hi Solomon. The cross is flat. I saw a picture of one being worn that looked flat to me. see post #24 in this thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5180...0back&st=20
    3. Interesting thread but definately not Third Reich. Perhaps this should be in the International Forum...
    4. Very nice. Keep us informed as you finish filling the case. thanks for showing it.
    5. Tony, I mean the wreath on the box compared to the wreath on the award.
    6. I notice that the wreath on the box is upside down to the date in the center.
    7. As you can see it is a nice salty piece that has been worn at some point in it's life. The reverse with makermark.
    8. I am working on a piece about the MSSA and would like to see and use other members' pics concerning this award. The article is for GMIC members to use. Here is my JUNCKER badge. Thanks for anyone who contributes. If you want to show something but not have it used that is fine also. Just state so please. Thanks again.
    9. Greg, you need to put some vasoline on that pab or there will not be much left of it for you to pass down the line.
    10. Dave, besides the lack of detail as noted above it looks to be a good ond. Only you can tell if the stipling is good or not since we can't see it on the pics.
    11. One could almost get the impression that you don't want me to collect these......
    12. Beautiful awards. If I ever get tired of PABs I know what I will collect next. Thanks for showing them.
    13. And finally a hollow bronze FLL in as close to mint condition as is humanly possible to find.
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