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    ÖSTA last won the day on June 10 2022

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    About ÖSTA

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      Eurpoean Medals & Decorations. Royal Navy. German Red Cross.

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    1. Hello Gordon, Yes the medal is currently being awarded. Here's a screen-shot from the ÖASG Facebook site and a translation of the text. Hope this helps.
    2. To celebrate their 40th anniversary, the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society - Österreichische Albert Schweitzer Gesellschaft (ÖASG) have issued this rather attractive and tasteful medal. All ÖASG medals and decorations are recognised by the Austrian Government and as such may be worn on State military uniforms etc. Further details are available here: oeasg.office@gmail.com See also their Wiki entry for general info https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Österreichische_Albert_Schweitzer-Gesellschaft Medal Ø 36mm Ribbon 40mm
    3. Hi Kevin and welcome. If the Defence & War Medal are struck in silver, then I would say the recipient is Canadian. If, however, the (named? &) numbered 1939-45 Medal is made of cupro-nickel, the recipient could be an Australian, South African (or even Indian). See here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Medal_1939–1945 Hope this helps narrow your search.
    4. Hopefully, I've got the photo's right this time! Yes, the military part is indicated on the cemetry plan by the arrow. Section 45, 46 usw (Ehrenfriedhof)
    5. @Tupper Great pictures. Here's another Pilot Badge recipient, again in Göttingen Göttingen. That's my home town! The military part of the Stadtfriedhof is quite an eye opener. I believe that the headstones are original and that they were later modified to remove anything contentious. Photo's taken August 2021
    6. Customs charges apply to Germany. Not unexpected, so nothing to gripe about! I'm still delighted with the badge👍
    7. Hi Nick, Badge arrived safe & sound. Delighted. Regards from Germany.
    8. I can't see anything coming from NATO as it's not involved. Many NATO member states yes but the Organisation itself not.
    9. The German Red Cross have instituted this 'Ribbon only' award for Corona Deployment Service. Ribbon dimensions - Standard German format of 25 x 12mm. Auszeichnungsspange „Coronaeinsatz“ des Deutschen Roten Kreuz (DRK) seit 2022 Link here: https://www.die-deutschen-orden.de/ordensuebersicht/bundeslander/bundesauszeichnungen/ehrenzeichen-des-deutschen-roten-kreuzes-in-gold-damenausfuehrung-2/
    10. I would be happy pay a Membership subscription (I like the 'Ad-free' option mention by @Megan). I also like the idea of badges/mugs etc
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