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    Everything posted by speedytop

    1. Hi Paul, no, not to everyone. "Für hervorragende Leistungen im Fünfjahrplan" (for outstanding achievements in the five-year plan): http://de.wikipedia....n“ It was, simply expressed, for doing more than others, exceeding the standards (Norm). "Kampfauftrag der FDJ 1961" (combat mission of the FDJ): http://de.wikipedia....auftrag_der_FDJ After building the Berlin Wall in 1961, they needed some more soldiers. This medal was für young FDJ members, who followed the call (join the Army). "Pionierpark Ernst Thälmann Berlin", please see FEZ: http://de.wikipedia....ntrum_.28FEZ.29 It could be a souvenir for visitors of the large "recreation park". The badge "Für gutes Wissen" exist in several variations, magnetic or not magnetic. The last badge is for children (JP = Junge Pioniere): Uwe
    2. Hi Dave, basierend auf den damals zuständigen Gesetzen galt das Abstammungsprinzip (Jus sanguinis = right of blood): http://en.wikipedia....i/Jus_sanguinis Gesetz über die Erwerbung und den Verlust der Bundes- und Staatsangehörigkeit (1870): §3: "Durch die Geburt, auch wenn diese im Auslande erfolgt, erwerben eheliche Kinder eines Norddeutschen die Staatsangehörigkeit des Vaters, ..." And there is a military convention between the "Norddeutscher Bund" and Baden (1870): http://www.verfassun...ntion-baden.htm §15: "Die persönlichen Verhältnisse der dem Großherzogthum nicht angehörigen Personen, welche bei den im Großherzogthum garnisonirenden Truppen dienen, sammt deren Familien, werden durch die Verlegung ihres Domizils in das Großherzogthum nicht verändert; vielmehr bleiben jene Personen in ihrem bisherigen Unterthanenverhältniß. Ihr eheliches Güterrecht, die Erbfolge in ihre Verlassenschaft, die Bevormundung ihrer Hinterbliebenen richtet sich nach den Rechtsnormen ihrer Heimath. ... Das Gleiche gilt für die dem Großherzogthum Baden angehörigen Personen, welche bei einem außerhalb des Großherzogthums garnisonirenden Truppentheile dienen." Therefore was a Prussian child, born in Baden, furthermore a Prussian and not a Badener. And a Badener, born in Berlin, remained a Badener. Uwe
    3. Hi Uwe, the Generalstab (GSt) is a central general staff, GrGst; or it is a general staff in e.g. a Korps or a Division (Truppengeneralstab). A Generalstabstelle (GStst) is a position inside a general staff. For example page 318, "L Limberger [Gstst 235. ID]". It is meant, that he had been in the general staff of the 235. ID, on a not specified position (-stelle) in the staff. Uwe
    4. Hi Ulsterman, the badge "For good knowledge" in bronze, silver and gold is for knowledge in Marxismus-Leninismus and the policy of the SED, in different levels of difficulty. There is in each level a written report and an examination talk. Sorry, only in German: http://www.ddr-schul.../pdf/fdj-gw.pdf Uwe
    5. Obviously a very interesting course for political officers in the Sowjet Union A similar carreer as political officer, the same rank, the same decoration, the same award date: He integrated a cloth robbon bar into his paper ribbon bar: Uwe
    6. Hi rakkasan, http://en.wikipedia....fantry_Division Uwe
    7. Hi, the lowest number in my collection (40029) and the highest number in your collection (49247) let me think, that we have a minimum of 250 post cards? There are some variations. Post cards with a different presentation of the name, as printed signature or as normal writing. And there is the same man with different pictures. Both variants you can see in the picture here, one of your post cards and one of mine: Uwe
    8. Mervyn, the athletic competitions before 1896 were international, named "Meisterschaften von Deutschland" and "Meisterschaften vom Kontinent". No feets and inches, only yards and an (English) mile. At that time (and several years later) there was a great difference in Germany between "Sport" and "Turnen". Sport was international, Turnen was strictly national (for Germans or German speaking peoples). To be seperated from the English model, or based on the Olympic games in 1896 with metric distances, they changed from yards and mile to Meter and the (German) Meile = 7,500 meter. Uwe
    9. Hi Nick, a very interesting comparison. "The first wave of high-quality faked Orders for Personal Courage came to the market around 2003-2004" To my knowledge we had earlier copies/fakes before 2003. And that is my problem. I bought this medal around the middle of the 90s, for a very low price. It must be a better copie/fake? Uwe
    10. Hi john, it is a revolver for pinfire cartridges. I think, that most of the weapons were made in Belgium. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinfire Uwe
    11. Hi, I want to show the award for the first German light athletics champion in 1896, distance 200m. The championship had only 3 competitions: 100m, 200m and 7,500m. It was the first German championship in metric disciplines (until 1895 it had been 100, 200 and 1,500 yards). The winner Kurt Doerry was a well known German sports man, a sports official and a well known sports journalist. Please see Doerry, Kurt (Deutscher Meister über 100 Meter und 200 Meter): http://www.luise-ber...96/9606lexa.htm Uwe
    12. Hi hzenba2012, "... to have this medal issued again" ???? WW1 ???? The "Tapferkeits- und Verdienstauszeichnung für Angehörige der Ostvölker", instituted in July 1942 (that is WW2), was a decoration with swords for foreign members in the German Army (Tapferkeits-Auszeichnung) and without swords for foreign personnel with special achievements in the occupied regions (Verdienst-Auszeichnung). 4 of these 10 decorations could be awarded to German soldiers too, as commemorative badge. foreign means here > Ostvölker occupied regions means here > Ostgebiete Why should a Nazi award be issued again? Uwe
    13. Hi Richard, it is a sports medal in the 70s or 80s for marching/walking/hiking competitions. It is intentionally without the ribbon, because you can see the dates for the event there. See for example: Uwe
    14. Hi hzenba2012. "1957 reissued ostvolk" There is no 1957 version of Ostvolk medals. There are originals or not originals (copies/fakes) And there was no "reissue" of 1957 versions. Uwe
    15. Hi Kevin, there are many different badges with different inscriptions. It is difficult. For children: Sei bereit für Frieden und Völkerfreundschaft (10 and 11 years old) > Be prepared for... and Immer bereit für Frieden und Völkerfreundschaft (12 and 13 years old) > Always prepared for... For the youth: Sei bereit zur Arbeit und zur Verteidigung des Friedens (14 and 15 years old) For adults: Bereit zur Verteidigung des Friedens > Prepared for... later Bereit zur Verteidigung der Heimat Children and the youth: Uwe
    16. Abs. Vizefeldwebel Balzer 1. Pio. (?) Kom. Str. Battl. An Frau Frieda Balzer in ..... bei Potsdam Mouzon, d. 26.6. Liebe Frau! teile dir mit, daß ich glücklich wieder zurückgekommen bin. Wahrscheinlich hast [du] schon von unseren Erfolgen gelesen. Sind nun ..... .... von der Abfahrt auf Mouzon zur Front. Sonst weiter nichts neues, Gesund und munter einen besten Gruß Mann Uwe
    17. Post 5 and 6: Reichsnährstand (RNSt) And see additional the german article: http://en.wikipedia....eichsnährstand "Blood and soil" is an ideology (Blut und Boden Ideologie) Uwe
    18. Hi graf, the orders in Post 1 and 8 - 15 are decorations for officers. The cross in Post 4 is the lowest grade of 4 grades, here rank "Gefreiter". The 4 crosses are for EM and NCO's, based on the rank. The first class is for the highest NCO ranks. It is known, that in the first time of WWII.the old crosses with 1915 had been awarded, later the crosses with 1941. I. class 1915: IV. class 1941: Uwe
    19. Hi Stijn, in the "Ehren Rangliste 1914-1918" is one Leutnant Lederer in Infanterieregiment Bremen (1. Hanseatisches) Nr. 75, later in the Reichsheer in Infanterieregiment 11 Uwe
    20. Hi Douglas, Feldpost Herrn Georg Müller Kaufmann (merchant) Chemnitz i. Sa (Sachsen) Ulmstraße 14 II l[inks] Abs. Torp.Matr. (Torpedomatrose) Paul Müller II. Torp.Div. 4. Komp. Stube 34d W.haven (Wilhelmshaven) W.haven d. 9.12.15 Lieber Georg! Eben erhielt ich noch Deine Photographien. Und da sollst Du gleich eine haben. Hier ist immer sehr nasses Wetter, aber nicht kalt. Mit bestem Gruß Viel Grüße, Dein Bruder Paul. an Arthur. (greetings to Arthur) His brother sent pictures, he sent this picture back. The weather is wet but not cold. Greetings. Picture: Zur Erinnerung an unsere infanteristische Ausbildung Kriegsjahr 1915 (In memory of our infantry training) Uwe
    21. Championships of students/pupils in 1955, second place and champion (Meister). Note the old national emblems, the flag without hammer and compass, the coat of arms still without compass (Zirkel).
    22. Hi Hoyden R., "I've been resizing them to 640 x 400 or 800 x 600px, but they still show up small." Please click on the small picture in Post 94, and you can see it in 800 x 600px: Uwe
    23. Hi Stephan, there are two Rositten. One in Lettland: http://de.wikipedia....g/wiki/RÄ"zekne One in East Prussia: http://de.wikipedia...._Bagrationowsk) Uwe
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