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    1. A general history of free-masonry in Europe, based upon the ancient documents relating to, and the monuments erected by this fraternity from its foundation in the year 715 B.C. to the present time (1868) http://www.archive.org/details/ageneralhistory00rebogoog
    2. The medals of the masonic fraternity described and illustrated http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030295103
    3. All Emblem Charms belongs to KNIGHTS TEMPLAR http://www.yorkrite.com/KTlinks.htm also http://www.yorkrite.org/ Foto from reprint "Sears, Roebuck and Co. fall 1900"
    4. http://www.letchworthshop.co.uk/products.p...9&g2=706319 Trevor.I.Harris "The Medals and Jewels of British Freemasonry" P.53 #212 1887 Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
    5. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Canada http://www.scottishritemasons-can.org/
    6. Knights Templar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templ...eemason_degree)
    7. RAOB - Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
    8. The Mark degrees are of British origin, and have no connection with the Hautes Grades of the Continent. To according with Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons constitution , Jewel of The Order is " Keystone with silver Lewis". //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LEWIS http://www.standrew518.co.uk/home.htm This technical word has several explanations. 1. An instrument in Operative Masonry. It is an iron cramp or clamp which is inserted in a cavity prepared for that purpose in any large stone, so as to give attachment to a pulley and hook whereby the stone may be conveniently raised to any height and deposited in its proper position. It is well described by Gibson,in the British Archeologia (volume x, page 127), but he is in error in attributing its invention to a French architect in the time of Louis XIV and its name to that monarch- The contrivance was known to the Romans, and several taken from old ruins are now in the Vatican. In the ruins of Whitby Abbey, in England, which was founded by Oswy, King of Northumberland, in 658, large stones were discovered, with the necessary excavation for the insertion of a lewis. The word is most probably derived from the old French levis, any contrivance for lifting. The modern French call the instrument a louve. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In U.S.A. and Canada keystone represent Royal Arch.
    9. I had the same idea, but I found no information about it.
    10. http://www.dummies.com/WileyCDA/DummiesArticle/id-4119.html <h2 class="article-h2">Junior Deacon</h2> The Junior Deacon sits to the right of the Senior Warden, guarding the door to the lodge. He is the messenger of the Senior Warden, as well as the lodge "doorman." It is his job to be certain the Tyler is guarding the door on the outside, and he allows visitors to enter, after they've been properly vouched for. He and the Tyler communicate with each other by knocking back and forth on either side of the closed door. Some jurisdictions split up this position into the Junior Deacon and an Inner Guard. The Junior Deacon's jewel of office is the square and compass, like his senior counterpart. The difference is that the Junior Deacon's jewel has a moon in the center, signifying that he is in the west.
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