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    Everything posted by KIR

    1. Dienstauszeichnung (Unteroffiziere 3. Klasse f?r 9 Jahre) Hossauer, Berlin around 1856-58. Best regards, Jens
    2. Hello, no the awards don't have to turn back! See attachment: Armee-Verordnungsblatt from 1913. Best regards, Jens
    3. Hi Chris, here you can find an example: http://www.mg08.de/Zubehoer/Zubehoer.html Best regards, Jens
    4. Hi Heiko, the commanders 22. Infanterie-Division, 1914?1918 are: - Generalmajor Karl Dieffenbach - from December 1916 Generalmajor Curt Kruge - from August 1917 Generalleutnant Otto Neubaur ... or see the link: http://www.militaerpass.net/22id.htm Best regards, Jens
    5. Hi Christer, the National Library in Leipzig still have the complett war-records of the FAR102: https://portal.d-nb.de/opac.htm?method=show...rrentPosition=0 ... maybe you can asked them for a copy!?! They had also the regimental-history: https://portal.d-nb.de/opac.htm?method=show...rrentPosition=4 The FAR102 was a part of the 5. Ersatz-Division, here the war-chronicle: http://www.1914-18.info/erster-weltkrieg.p...Ersatz-Division Best regards, Jens
    6. Hi Karsten, great pictures - thank you for showing us! One question, the name is Max Rademacher or (maybe) Max Radermacher!? Thanks and best regards, Jens
    7. Alex, only I can give you following information: Wilhelm Brendler: Kriegserlebnisse 1914 bis 1918 im Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 233 (Regimentsgeschichte). F?r d. I. Btl. nach eigenen Erlebnissen u. Aufzeichgn, f. d. 2. u. 3. Btl. nach d. vom Reichsarchiv zur Verf?gg gest. Kriegsakten dargest.. Mit 327 meist eigenen Lichtbildern u. Handzeichnungen, 15 vom Verf. gezeichn. Stellgsskizzen u. I Ballonaufn. von Ypern, 1931 Zeulenroda: Sporn, 374 Seiten. Geschichte des Husaren-Regiment Nr.15, Mit 6 Bildnissen, Berlin 1891 : Mittler und Sohn, 112 Seiten. Geschichte des Hannoverschen Husaren-Regiment Nr.15, jetzigen Husaren-Regiment "K?nigin Wilhelmina der Niederlande" (hann.) Nr.15 1903 Wandsbeck: Druck von Fr. Puvogel, 258 Seiten. Best regards, Jens
    8. .. here some informations: http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/index.htm/aok/mudra.htm Best regards, Jens
    9. ... I think Chris is right - looks like the Quadriga in Berlin: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburger_Tor Best regards, Jens
    10. Hi, the LIR106 was a unit from the 47. Landwehr-Division and the 47. gemischte Landwehr-Brigade. Here the Kriegschronik from the 47. LD: http://www.1914-18.info/erster-weltkrieg.p...ndwehr-Division And thanks for this very interesting story/man! Best regards, Jens
    11. Hi, there are some more Schmidt's with the Eisernen Kreuz 1813. Best regards, Jens source: Verzeichniss der Senioren und Ritter des Eisernen Kreuzes, welche im M?rz 1863 als noch lebend angemeldet waren. General-Ordens-Commission, Berlin, 1863.
    12. Hi Kris, yes you are right, he is selling just the information (each name 19 Euro) ! ... here in english: http://home.foni.net/~adelsforschung/index5.htm Sometimes I just take a quick view to the Ranklist names: http://home.foni.net/~adelsforschung/ind03.htm ... and if the name is listed I take a closer look into my book! Best regards, Jens
    13. Chris, on the bottom of following link there is an alphabetical name-index - these are the same names? http://home.foni.net/~adelsforschung/schlacht00.htm Best regards, Jens
    14. "K?niglich Preussisches Bezirks-Kommando Hagen i. W. (in Westfalen)" Best regards, Jens
    15. Hello William, yes - that's right! I don't know, probably for honorary or for merits (for the union)?? Probably for "more" honorary and for "more" merits or for a jubilee (like: Time service)?? Sorry - I don't know! Best regards, Jens
    16. ... all other awards short-cuts are named in the index - but not "KROETM" and "Circle + H"! Maybe the first "Circle + H" is a "Ehrenzeichen" from this region and the "KROETM" is maybe a forgein-award??? Which Ehrenzeichen is possible for this area around the city of Halle (Sachsen-Anhalt)??? I will be very appreciate for any information about! Thanks and best regards, Jens Source from the adressbook: http://www.ancestry.de/search/rectype/dire...253&p=30341 ... here the index of the short-cuts:
    17. ... next Adressbook with complett name and all awards! "Adress-Buch und Wohnungs-Anzeiger f?r die Gesammtstadt Halle an der Saale und Giebichenstein aus dem Jahre 1876" ... here an example, but what awards are "KROETM" and "Circle + H" ??? ??? (Circle + H), D?ppeler Sturmkreuz (DStK), Alsen-Kreuz (AK), Kriegsdenkm?nze 1864 (KD64), Erinnerungskreuz 1866 (EK66), Kriegsdenkm?nze 1870/71 (KD70/71), ??? (KROETM), Dienstauszeichnung 3. Klasse (DA3). Is Bernhard Brohmer listed in any Rang- or Stamm-Liste??? Thank you and best regards, Jens
    18. ... maybe a bigger scan of the insignia make sence! ... and a little bit Photoshop!
    19. Hi Eric, in the Rank-List 1914/18 is no Nesper listed. But in the Infanterie-Regiment Alt-W?rttemberg (3. W?rttembergisches) Nr.121 died two Nesper (maybe relatives???): http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2008/vl_ir_a...1_8komp_wk1.htm Best regards, Jens
    20. Hallo William, here a Link about the L?wenorden: http://www.traditionsverband.de/schutztruppe/loewen.html Best regards, Jens
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