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    Everything posted by KIR

    1. Hi, four classes??? I only know from 2. classes! The (golden) first class was changed (in August 1925) from the neck-cross to the pinback-cross. Best regards, Jens
    2. Hallo Andy, maybe Major u. Regimentskommandeur Freiherr Werner von Schleinitz (he died 21.9.1915, Combres-H?he). Best regards, Jens here the Link: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/Verlustliste...8_wk1_offiz.htm
    3. Hi Christophe, no - sorry I hav'nt a picture of Wilhelm Schniewindt! (RIR39 - 13. Reserve-Division)! If I find one - you are the first! Best regards, Jens
    4. General der Infanterie Bruno von Mudra ... by the way: Post #72 is not Mudra, I think it's Hermann von Francois.
    5. ... I think the two horizontal (dark) bars is for the Lehr-Infanterie-Regiment.
    6. Hi, I think it's more: Thara Thanka/Thauke ??? Best regards, Jens
    7. Hi Chris, I read: "Aufnahme nach der Ver- leihung mit dem Regts- Stab. Von links nach rechts Ltn. Doermer, Ltn. ???rader Ltn. Oesterling und ?" ... a Leutnant DOERMER (from the Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 65) died 24.04.1917. Best regards, Jens
    8. Hi Marcin, in August 1912 there was a Kaiserman?ver from the III. AK und XII. (I. K?niglich S?chsisches) Armee-Korps. I think I see (infantery-) spikes on the helmets (with saxon-plates), so (maybe) following units are possible: 23. Division (1. K?niglich S?chsische): IR100, Gren.R.101, F?s.R.108, IR182 32. Division (3. K?niglich S?chsische): IR102, IR103, IR177, IR178 There was also a maneuver in the year 1912 around Gotha (M?hlhausen-Erfurt-Meiningen-Rotenburg, Th?ringen) But I don't know from which Armeekorps (maybe it was the same Kaiser-maneuver from august 1912 ???) Normaly in this area the XI. Armeekorps wearing the Gilt-Line-Eagle or the "FUERST"-Gilt-Line-Eagle with Wappen. But all Infantry Regiments 101 through 107, 133, 134, 139, 177 through 179, 181, 182 are possible.? Best regards, Jens
    9. ... I take a look into the (prussian) Ranklist 1912 and 1913 and found a: Major Z?llner in the 6. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment Kaiser Friedrich III Nr.114 (Stab). ... also I take a look into the (prussian) Ranklist 1903 and found some Z?llner: Oblt.: Ldw. d. Verkehrstruppen Eisenbahn-Brigade (KO4, LD1) and a Lt.: Res.-Offz. IR29. ... also some Zoellner: Lt.: Fuss-Art. Ldw. Bezirk K?ln, Oblt.: Ldw. Inf. Bez. Berlin, Hpt.: Uffz-Schule Pommern. and also (in the RL-1903) a Leutnant Hofstetter in the 9. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.170. But I think there is not really a good chance to find some more about this picture! Anyway, thank you a lot for your great help (Rick and Hardy)!!! Best regards, Jens
    10. ... GREAT!!! Thank you very much!!! And yes - I think Rick is right with the names and the persons on the picturer! One thing, Hauptmann Z?llner ist wearing a white Paradebusch - or!? Only Garde and some Grenadier-Regiments wearing the white Paradebusch: - Gro?herzoglich Mecklenburgisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr.89 (Schwerin & Neustrelitz) - Badisches Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr.109 (Karlsruhe) - 2. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm I. Nr.110 (Mannheim & Heidelberg) - Grenadier-Regiment K?nigin Olga (1. W?rttembergisches) Nr.119 (Stuttgart) (the Gren.R.119 also had a "special" helmet-plate: http://www.pickelhauben.net/pickelhaube/im...rtyoff/full.jpg http://www.pickelhauben.net/identity/images/Wappen_47.gif ... I have to read all again tomorrow and think about it! But thank you very much for your great help!!! Best regards, Jens
    11. ... thanks a lot Hardy! But I have no bavarian Ranklist to check the names! Thanks and best regards, Jens
    12. Gentlemen, I?ve got this big photo and I hope your can help me to identify the unit and the persons! "Parade am 12. M?rz 1906" Oberst Grosch. ?- Karl - Excellence Lobenhofer? - Oberleutnant ??? - Hauptmann J?llner? - I think the helmet-plates are bavarian???? Maybe the picture is taken in Metz / Lothringen ??? so this two bavarian units are possible: Kgl. Bayer. 4. Inf.-Regt. and the Kgl. Bayer. 8. Inf.-Regt. ??? I will be very appreciate for any information about! Thanks and best regards, Jens
    13. ... Tom, great job - but one small correction! "..., in the afternoon the enemy was shooting the camp of the Reserve-Kompanie - northwards from the Bismarck-forest, with around 350 shoots. ..." Best regards, Jens
    14. ... if there is a (yellow) "32" on the (red) shoulderboard maybe the 2. Th?ringisches Infanterie-Regt. Nr.32 (Meiningen/Th?ringen) is possible ??? @Rick: yes - you are right, it must be "G?ldner". The familyname "J?ldner" doesn't exist! Here you can check german surname (and the region): http://christoph.stoepel.net/geogen/v3/ ("surname" than click on: "Kartieren", in the new window you find some links, click on: "Relative Karte f?r g?ldner".) The most "G?ldner's" are from S?mmerda in Th?ringen.
    15. ... I don't think so. (face, nose and the tips of the ears are different). On the shoulderboards (I think) there is a chiffre??? You know the city of the photographic studio? Maybe he was a teacher/instructor, on the shoulderboard is a small cord - that means: "Abkommandierung zur Schule".
    16. ... great picture! The silver lanyard with the golden badge! (maybe the 7. or 8. class). "Zur freundlichen Erinnerung an seinen alten Kameraden Feldwebel J?ldner (?)" Sch?tzenschnur: Es gab 10 Klassen (die 1. war die niedrigste) mit folgenden Unterschieden: 1. wollende Schnur mit einer Eichel (bzw. Granate f?r Artillerie). 2. wollende Schnur mit zwei Eicheln (bzw. Granaten f?r Artillerie). 3. wollende Schnur mit drei Eicheln (bzw. Granaten f?r Artillerie). 4. Silber, schwarz und rot in Seide, keine Eichel pp.. 5. ebenso, auf der Rosette ein gelbmetallenes Medaillon mit W II in einem Kranz, dar?ber die K?nigskrone, W?rttemberg und Sachsen den betr. K?niglichen Namenszug mit der K?nigskrone dar?ber, Bayern neusilbernes Medaillon mit dem gekr?nten blau und weiss geweckten Wappenschild. Keine Eichel. 6. desgl. mit einer Eichel aus dem Material der Schnur (bzw. Granate f?r Artillerie). 7. desgl. mit zwei Eicheln (bzw. Granaten f?r Artillerie). 8. desgl, mit drei Eicheln (bzw. Granaten f?r Artillerie). 9. desgl., jedoch noch drei Schieber aus Goldgespinst, ein vergoldete Eichel bzw. Granate an goldener Schnur. 10. ebenso nur mit zwei Eicheln (bzw. Granaten f?r Artillerie).
    17. Hi Heiko, yes - you are right, but this is also a Kyffh?user clasp (inofficial style)! Best regards, Jens
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