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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. I honestly wish there was more activity on this forum. Anyway, plan to get my entire collection out of storage and do a complete recatalogueing, probably in june, will tale a week off from work for that. Who knows what i may find with a fresh and more knowledgeable pair of eyes looking at my old items.
    2. 'Friend's' in high places... Jamyan with Kim Il Sung and also a younger Jamyan with Ho Chi Minh... one can only imagine the stories behind this!
    3. And here's an amazing one to add... Ukaz regarding Sodnomdarjaa's Order of Combat Valor as part of a broader anniversary awarding to 1921 Partisans The fact that only 103 people made this list indicates what a rare group of individuals this was (and how rare the Partisan Badges probably are). And to add to this, Sukhbaatar Yanjmaa awarded the SB is widow of Sukhbaatar. She was also regarded as partisan. ================================================= http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_03_2014/post-679-0-48886700-1394363453.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_03_2014/post-679-0-53557900-1394363476.jpg ================================================= DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC July 5, 1956. # 78, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the partisans, who actively participated in 1921 People’s Revolution, with Orders and Medals of the Mongolian People’s Republic. The Presidium of the State Great Khural decrees: On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Mongolian People’s Revolution, to award the partisans who actively participated in 1921 People’s Revolution with the orders and medals of the Mongolian People’s Republic. One. The Order of Sukhbaatar 1. Sukhbaatar Yanjmaa Precinct #5, Sukhbaatar soum, Sukhbaatar aimag 2. Puntsag Togtokh Precinct #6, Bayanzurkh soum, Tuv aimag 3. Doorov Dashzeveg Precinct #10, Luus soum, Dundgobi aimag 4. Dorj Badarch Precinct #10, University district, Ulaanbaatar 5. Amar Myagmar Precinct #5, Bayanzurkh soum, Tuv aimag Two. The Order of the Red Banner of Combat Valor 1. Dechin Dendev Precinct #13, University district, Ulaanbaatar 2. Choijil Sandag Precinct #…, Uliastai district, Ulaanbaatar 3. Yuruult Mangaalam Precinct #10, Bayanchandmani soum, Tuv aimag 4.Sengee Tsevegmed Precinct #4, University district, Ulaanbaatar 5.Luvsan Sharav Precinct #11, Tarialan soum, Khuvsgul aimag 6. Choijil Gonchig Precinct #7, Amgalaanbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 7. Perlei Dashnyam Aldarkhaan soum, Zavkhan aimag 8. Tseveg Luvsantseveg Precinct #3, Orhonshaamar soum, Selenge aimag Three. The Order of the Combat Valor 78. Namdag Jambal Precinct #6, Orhonshaamar soum, Selenge aimag 79. Dorj Jamts Precinct #4, Undur Ulaan soum, Arhangai aimag 80. Dash Uvgunhuu Precinct #4, Altanbulag soum, Selenge aimag 81. Jambal Tudev Precinct #1, Deren soum, Dundgobi aimag 82. Choidon Damchaa Precinct #8, Batsumber soum, Tuv aimag 83. Khandjav Banzarzeveg Precinct #3, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 84. Aj Sanjaasuren Precinct #1, Naran soum, Zavhan aimag 85. Tunj Bat-Ochir Choibalsan town, Choibalsan aimag 86. Mend Lamjav Ulaanbaatar 87. Gonchigjav Tsend-Ayush Precinct #3, Batsumber soum, Tuv aimag 89. Sumya Dagva Precinct #8, Hutag-Undur soum, Bulgan aimag 90. Dorj Dendev Precinct #3, Orhonshaamar soum, Selenge aimag 91. Myatav Yarinbaatar Precinct #10, Bayanchandmani soum, Tuv aimag 92. Bayaryn Gendenbaldyr Precinct #1, Bayantsagaan soum, Tuv aimag 93. Anjilyn Yuruult Precinct #7, Khalkhgol soum, Choibalsan aimag 94. Ulzii Jadambaa Precinct #2, Zuunselbe district, Ulaanbaatar 95. Tseren Dagva Precinct #5, Batsumber district, Ulaanbaatar 96. Mandah Zagdbazar Precinct #2, Baruunselbe district, Ulaanbaatar 97. Yondon Luvsanperenlei Precinct #7, Baruunselbe district, Ulaanbaatar 98. Baljinyam Dashzeveg Jargalant soum, Zavkhan aimag 99. Damdin Sodnomdarjaa Precinct #8, Choibalsan town, Choibalsan aimag 100. Tseren Zagd Precinct #3, Batsumber soum, Tuv aimag 101. Tseren Jalbuu Precinct #2, Bulgan soum, Bulgan aimag 102. Vanchinsuren Luvsandanzan Precinct #3, Buyant soum, Khovd aimag 103. Mash Tsedev Precinct #3, Yuruu soum, Selenge aimag
    4. And now more on Shadavtsoodol: Ukaz regarding his SB ===================== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE’S GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC March 12, 1971. # 63, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the generals, officers and non-commissioned officers of the Mongolian People’s Army with Orders and Medals. The Presidium of the People’s Great Khural decrees: Based on the Decree # 127 issued on June 9, 1965 by the Presidium of People’s Great Khural, to award the following generals, officers, non-commissioned officers of the Mongolian People’s Army with the orders and medals of the Mongolian People’s Republic for years of outstanding service. The Order of Sukhbaatar 1. Naidan Luvsansharav Deputy Chief of Department # 17 of the Ministry of Defense, Senior Engineer, Lt. Colonel 2. Ulambayar Dalhjav Chief of the Procurement Department, Army Rear and Supply, Major 3. Dorlig Chuluunhuu Chief of the Anti-Aircraft Unit of the Motorized Rifle Brigade #1, Lt. Colonel 4. Batjargal Dash Deputy Chief of the “Aldar” Army Sport Society, Lt. Colonel 5. Dendev Bataa Chief of Staff of the Army Chemical protection special battalion, Lt. Colonel 6. Sharavjamts Shadavtsoodol Senior shooting trainer of the General Military College, Lt. Colonel 7. Dendev Mijid Doctor of the Auto transport special battalion, Major Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural of the MPR J. Sambuu (Signed) Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural of the MPR Ts. Gotov (Signed)
    5. Here's something interesting... related to Baldan's Polar Star... but also highlighting Mongolian awards to Soviet "advisors" Note also that Sukhbaatar Yanjmaa is the widow of Sukhbaatar ===================== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE SMALL KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC September 29, 1945. # 81, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the leaders of the party and government for labor achievements during the war against the German fascists and Japanese militarists. The Presidium of the State Small Khural decrees: To award the following leaders of the party and government and Soviet specialists for exemplary fulfillment of the state and party assignments and in recognition of their labor achievements for strengthening the defense capability of the Motherland from the start to the end of the war against the German fascists and Japanese militarists. One. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor Valor Chairman of the State Small Khural Gonchig Bumstend Secretary of the Central Committee of the MPRP Chimeddorj Surenjav Secretary of the Central Committee of the MPRP Sukhbaatar Yanjmaa Secretary of the Central Committee of the MPRP Dash Damba Secretary of the Central Committee of the MPRP Bazar Shirendev First Deputy Prime Minister Sonom Luvsan Advisor of the State Planning Department A.M. Bajennikov Two. The Order of the Red Banner of Combat Valor Yu.G. Prihodov N.B. Abramov D.I. Sidorov Three. The Order of the Polar Star Deputy Prime Minister Badrah Lamjav Deputy Prime Minister Mijid Ulziitogtokh Deputy Prime Minister Suuri Baldan Advisor to the Cabinet Akimov. Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bumtsend Secretary of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bayar
    6. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/4230-sukhbaatar-order/page-22#entry583940 Research on his SB (sadly missing from the group)
    7. And here Burentugs Oidov, recipient of an SB (nr 1.174 - unfortunately I don't have the actual SB) in 1975 - a state security colonel http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/46892-colonel-of-the-mongolian-state-security-burentugs-oidov/?hl=oidov =============== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE’S GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC December 29, 1975. # 284, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the officers and non-commissioned officers of the State Security organization with Orders and Medals. The Presidium of the People’s Great Khural decrees: Based on the Decree # 127 issued in 1965 by the Presidium of People’s Great Khural, to award the following officers, non-commissioned officers, policemen and fire-fighters of the State Security organization with the orders and medals of the Mongolian People’s Republic for years of outstanding service. The Order of Sukhbaatar 1. Tsevegmid Tumur-Ochir Chief of Department # 2 of the General Department of State Security, Colonel 2. Damai Natsag Chief of the Division of the same Department, Colonel 3. Khorloo Naidan Chief of the Division of the same Department, Colonel 4. Burentugs Oidov Chief of the Section of the same Department, Colonel 5. Delegnyam Sanjaahuu Deputy Chief of the Division of the same Department, Colonel 6. Namjil Luvsansharav Chief of the Section of the same Department, Lt. Colonel 7. Yanjmaa Tseden Officer of the same Department 8. Bat-Ulzii Gongor Chief of a group of a Signals Section of the Department of Border Guard and Internal Troops
    8. Dagva Khand (sales person of the central store of Choibalsan province) received SB nr 291 in 1960. Presumably a long service award. ========================= DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE’S GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC December 15, 1960. # 241, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the employees of government trade organizations with Orders and Medals. The Presidium of the People’s Great Khural decrees: To award the following employees of government trade organizations with the orders and medals of the Mongolian People’s Republic for years of outstanding labor achievements and participation in the Conference of outstanding trade sector workers. The Order of Sukhbaatar 1. Dulam Samdankhuu Head range herding expedition Zavkhan province 2. Dagva Khand Salesperson of the Central Store of Choibalsan province 3. Danzan Dolgor Salesperson of the Store # 2 of Ulaanbaatar 4. Shagj Jambal Officer of the Trade Representative of the Ministry of Trade and Procurement The Order of the Red Banner of Labor Valor 1. Bumbaa Gungeregmaa Supervisor of the Hunting unit of Bayanhairhan county, Zavhan province Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural J. Sambuu Secretary of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural N. Luvsanchultem
    9. http://www.dnw.co.uk/auctions/catalogue/lot.php?auction_id=320&lot_id=1581 Interesting UK group with an albanian award in it
    10. I can't take the credit for it. Just lucky. I like how on the last decree sodnomdarjaa is explicitly referred to as a partisan!
    11. More here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/36164-1920s-order-of-the-red-banner/page-1 In a thread about Sodnomdarjaa, who had received a 1920's Russian order of the red banner, interestingly enough Suurin Baldan was also mentioned in some research.
    12. More here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/36164-1920s-order-of-the-red-banner/page-1 In a thread about Sodnomdarjaa, who had received a 1920's Russian order of the red banner
    13. And finally here also a decree to Mongolian Order of Sukh Baatar (serial nr 86, awarded to him in 1955 for his birthday). Hoping to still get some info on his other SB awarded in 1951 (nr 48) ======================================== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC May 26, 1955 # 47, Ulaanbaatar On awarding partisan Damdin Sodnomdarjaa with the Order of Sukhbaatar The Presidium of the State Great Khural decrees: On the occasion of the 60th birthday and in recognition of his active participation in the people’s revolution and his socio-political efforts, to award partisan Damdin Sodnomdarjaa with the Order of Sukhbaatar. Chairman of the Presidium of the State Great Khural Sambuu Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the State Great Khural Tsedev Secretary of the Presidium of the State Great Khural Sharav Presidium members: Yanjmaa, Nogoyo, Tumur-Ochir Sodnomdarjaa SB.pdf
    14. And here is also the decree related to a Mongolian Order of Red Banner of Labor Valor which Sodnomdarjaa also was awarded (serial nr 106 in 1946 - so a very early one). Interesting to note is that there is also reference being made to Suurin Baldan, of whom I have another group in my collection. ============================================================================================ DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE SMALL KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC July 6, 1946. # 47, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the privates, sergeants, officers and instructors of the People’s Revolutionary Army with Orders and Medals The Presidium of the State Small Khural decrees: On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Mongolian People’s revolution in recognition of feats performed for strengthening the defense might of the country and for defeating Japanese occupants, to award the orders and medals to the following individuals: One. The Order of the Red Banner of Combat Valor 1. Director of the Cavalry Department of the General Military College Sambuu Gongor 2. Major Banzar Purevjav 3. Major Sharkhuu Demberel 4. Director of the Military Hospital Zagdsuren Dugar 5. Commander of the platoon of division # … Sharav Dalai 6. Chief of Staff of regiment of division #... Yadamsuren Ashjav 7. Commander of the Livestock Supply unit Damdin Sodov 8. Commander of the Special regiment Tsevegdorj Chultem 9. Commander of the company of the same regiment Dagva Sedbazar Two. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor Valor Major General Suuri Baldan Director of Military Recreation Center Puntsag Togtokh Officer of the Department of the Army Rear and Supply Damba Baatar Chief of Division of the MoD Khand Nasanbuyan Chief of the Military Equipment Division of MoD Choinbol Gombosuren Director of Military factory Damdin Sodonomdarjaa Technician Nyam Laasag Technician Zana Saikhan Technician Dorj Jamts Officer of Military Recreation Center Nanzad Dendevdorj Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bumtsend Secretary of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bayar
    15. Also now decrees related to 2 Polar Stars which Sodnomdarjaa had been awarded with some more texture about his background. In 1948 he received a Polar Star for labour achievements as Director of the Military Cart Factory of Choibalsan province. This is Polar Star nr 1762 (which is not in my collection) In 1950 he received a Polar Star for 10 years of service in the Mongolian army (6299, also not in my collection). Suspect both were replacement Polar Stars mentioned in his orders book. =============================== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE SMALL KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC July 8, 1950. # 78, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the officers of the People’s Revolutionary Army with Orders and Medals for long-service The Presidium of the State Small Khural decrees: In accordance with the Decree #16 dated March 16, 1947 and on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Mongolian People’s revolution, to award the officers of the Ministry of Defense with the orders and medals for more than 10 years irreproachable service for the army. One. The Order of the Red Banner of Combat Valor 296. Lieutenant colonel Dendev Tsegmid 297. Lieutenant colonel Sukhbaatar Gombojav 298. Lieutenant colonel Gomjav Balganjav 299. Lieutenant colonel Nasan Dendevdorj Two. The Order of the Combat Valor 301. Major Bayasgalan Luvsan-Ochir Three. The Order of the Polar Star 302. Senior lieutenant Gombosuren Nyam-Oidov 303. Senior lieutenant Avid Ayush 304. Lieutenant colonel Damdin Sodnomdarjaa 305. Lieutenant colonel Ochir Bizia 306. Major Chimed Nyamdorj 307. Major Luuzan Bavuudorj 308. Major Byambajav Batsukh 309. Major Oidov Choidog 310. Senior lieutenant Shoovodr Maam Four. Honorary Medal of Combat 311. Lieutenant colonel Dorj Damba 312. Junior Lieutenant Chimed Luvsandorj Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bumtsend Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Tsedev Secretary of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bayar ============================ DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE STATE SMALL KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC June 2, 1948. # 28, Ulaanbaatar On awarding Sodnomdarjaa and Ishnyam of Cart Factory under Military Rear and Supply Department of the People’s Revolutionary Army for labor achievements The Presidium of the State Small Khural decrees: To award Director of the Military Cart Factory of Choibalsan province Damdin Sodnomdarjaa with the Order of the Polar Star. To award Section head of the same factory Dondog Ishnyam with the Honorary Medal of Labor. Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bumtsend Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Yanjmaa Secretary of the Presidium of the State Small Khural Bayar Sodnomdarjaa PS 1.pdfSodnomdarjaa PS 2.pdf
    16. Trying to find it - also found the 2.700 USD polar star order on ebay quite funny! "Only bank transfer no paypal" - yeah right! On the profile there's a picture of somebody, presumably NOT the seller... http://www.ebay.com/usr/odbamn7
    17. Bob

      Awards from Manchukuo

      http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2014/post-679-0-21241800-1391971809.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2014/post-679-0-15990400-1391971823.jpg Something I recently picked up on eBay: "Manchuria/Mongolia Incident Commemorative" flag type badge.
    18. Hi Tom, No - aside from Jamyan's I only have my own private passports as my "passport collection" and not looking to transfer either. First time I see a passport collector here - my focus is more on orders/medals. Best of luck, Bob
    19. I have the booklet (without the award unfortunately) for SB nr 605 awarded to Baldan Pagvajav in 1968. And... also the award decree now. So that gives at least some bit of personal info on him (and possibly the opportunity for others to identify what may be the recipients of SB 603, 604 and 606 (but who knows for sure...). ============================================= DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE’S GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC May 13, 1968. # 145, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the herder rangers with Orders and Medals The Presidium of the People’s Great Khural decrees: To award the following herder rangers with the orders and medals for the outstanding labor achievements and over fulfilling quotas and plans related to rearing and moving the state livestock. The Order of Sukhbaatar 1. Yondon Tsedenjav Herder ranger of Buutsagaan county, Bayanhongor province 2. Dambil Dorj Herder ranger of Sant county, Uvurkhangai province 3. Baldan Pagvajav Herder ranger of Altai county, Hovd aimag 4. Dojoo Batsuuri Herder ranger of Jargalan county, Gobi-Altai province The Order of the Red Banner of Labor Valor 1. Gempil Zandraa Herder ranger of Buren county, Khuvsgul province 2. Bumbur Regzen Herder ranger of Aldarkhaan county, Zavkhan province 3. Ravjir Yadamjav Herder ranger of Delger County, Gobi-Altai province 4. Balin Damdinsuren Herder ranger of Erdenedalai county, Dundgobi province 5. Purevjav Puntsag Herder ranger of Yaruu county, Zavkhan province
    20. Extremely exciting news on this medal! An award decree for a posthumously awarded medal for selflessness. Amazing bit of history behind the person and medal coming to life!11-3-398_128.pdf =============================================================== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE’S GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC May 8, 1979. # 123, Ulaanbaatar On awarding the Medal for Selflessness to some individuals posthumously The Presidium of the People’s Great Khural decrees: To award the following individuals, who sacrificed their lives to the cause of protecting the public livestock from the effects of the sudden powerful blizzards that affected the country in April 1979 and thus, honorably fulfilling their citizens’ duties, posthumously with the Medal for Selflessness. 1. Janchivdorj Lhagvasuren Senior zoological technician at the “Youth” state farm in Tuv province 2. Dorjkhuu Ragchaabazar Driver at the above state farm 3. Namdag Chimid Sheepherder at the “Urnul” negdel of Ulziit soum, Arkhangai province Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural Yu. Tsedenbal Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural S. Jalan-Aajav Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural N. Luvsanravdan Secretary of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural Ts. Gotov Presidium members S. Bataa, B. Lamjav, G. Ochirbat, S. Udval, L.Tudev
    21. Wow! That's probably something even more rare than the badge itself! Very interesting and wish I could read it!
    22. Second, more details from the decree related to him being awarded the Gold Soyombo. Have a scan of the decree itself unfortunately in PDF and too large to upload. This is probably very much a "classic" Soyombo recipient and it's nice to see that even (or: especially?) for relatively early awardings of the Hero of Labor title it was already considered that 'farming' is a highly appreciated activity worthy of such a high and rare award. ========================== DECREE OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE’S GREAT KHURAL OF THE MONGOLIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC February 2, 1967. Number 2. Ulaanbaatar. On bestowing the title of the Hero of Labor of the Mongolian People’s Republic Angir Arihad The Presidium of the People’s Great Khural of the MPR bestows the title of the Hero of Labor of the Mongolian People’s Republic and awards the Order of Sukhbaatar and Gold Soyombo Medal to Angir Arihad, a sheepherder of the collective farm “Bayasgalant Amidral” of Santmargats soum, Zavkhan aimag for outstanding labor achievements: rearing 670-782 heads of sheep with no loses during the last 3 years and over fulfilling the quotas for wool for every sheep over many years. Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural of the MPR J. Sambuu (Signed) Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural of the MPR S. Bataa (Signed) Secretary of the Presidium of the People’s Great Khural of the MPR Ts. Gotov (Signed) Members of the Presidium N. Luvsanravdan (Signed) Ch. Purevjav (Signed) S. Udval (Signed) J. Tsend-Ayush (Signed) G. Chimid (Signed) D. Yadamsuren (Signed) 11-2-810_2.pdf
    23. More info on Angir Arihad, the recipient of the Hero of Labor nr 83 posted directly above and - fortunately - in my collection. First, from the "blue bible" which contains bio's on a lot of award recipients: 140.82 Angir Arihad (born in 1932) was born at Santmargats soum, Zavhan aimag. He was bestowed the title of the Hero of Labor of the Mongolian People’s Republic when he was working as the herder of the “Bayasgalant amidral” collective farm. Arihad has been working as the sheepherder since 1957. He has been fulfilling quotas for herds, wool and milk for many years. Arihad became the Champion herder of the Mongolian People’s Republic in 1979. He was awarded the Order of Sukhbaatar and many other awards. Arihad is an uncle of Merited worker of the Mongolian People’s Republic P. Damdinjav. Source: Aldar Gavyatny Urguu. 2007. Ulaanbatar.
    24. Jamyan taken in 1940s checking a rifle of the Border Guards. Two group fotos with Jamyan. Posing with North Koreans at a train station during the Korean war. And another one with Jamyan passing on the gift of the MPR to DPRK.
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