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    Researching a French General ?

    Bill Dienna

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    Hello, fellows....

    I'm pretty well experienced in researching American soldiers from all periods. I've also had experience researching Third Reich figures, particularly political participants. But this is a first for me. I'm interested in trying to research a French General by the name of Jacques Mourot. I'm assuming that he's a twentieth century officer.

    Any suggestions in how to go about this would be much apprciated.

    The reason for the research is that I just aquired a French officer's tunic that may or may not have been his. It came with a brass engraving plate to make calling cards, and it Mourot's his name. So... I'd like to see if I can find anything out about him to see if the name on the plate matches the branch of the tunic, etc.

    Thanks in advance!

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    That might very well be him! The tunic that I have bears the insignia of a French Army military prosecutor!

    If you can provide any leads on him, or how you found him, I would be very grateful!

    Thnaks very much!


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    Hi Bill,

    How did I find him ? I googled "General Mourot" :rolleyes:


    "COLONNA D'ISTRIA Paulin ( 1905 - 1982 )


    Apr?s le d?barquement anglo-am?ricain du 8 novembre 1942, il est adjoint au g?n?ral Mourot, commandant de la gendarmerie en A.F.N. (le 6 d?cembre 1942)."

    (this is a bio for Paulin Colonna d'Istria)

    -> After the Anglo-American landing of 8 november 1942, he is deputy to general Mourot, commanding Gendarmerie in French North africa.


    "La gendarmerie pendant la campagne de Tunisie (novembre 1942 - mai 1943)


    En outre, la gendarmerie prend part ? l'?puration de la Tunisie. Le 8 mai 1943, une d?l?gation ? la s?curit? g?n?rale de la Tunisie est mise en place sous la direction du g?n?ral de gendarmerie Mourot. Elle vise ? r?primer les men?es antifran?aises dans les grandes villes tunisiennes et surtout Tunis, d?s leur lib?ration par les Alli?s. Cette action est dirig?e conjointement par le 2e bureau du contr?le sup?rieur du territoire tunisien, la s?curit? militaire, la police de Tunis et la gendarmerie. Cette derni?re re?oit plus sp?cialement pour mission, pour Tunis seulement, d'enqu?ter sur les Fran?ais ayant appartenu au SOL et au Parti populaire fran?ais (PPF). Du 8 mai au 28 juin 1943, elle proc?de ? 3 255 arrestations. Le 26 juin 1943, le g?n?ral de Gaulle reproche au g?n?ral Mourot une ?puration excessive. Il doit quitter ses fonctions peu apr?s."

    -> Furthermore, gendarmerie takes part in the purge of Tunisia. On 8 may 1943, a delegation for the general security of Tunisia is formed under the direction of the general de gandarmerie Mourot. It aims to repress the antifrench schemings in the big tunisian towns, and especially Tunis, as soon as they are liberated by the allies. This action is jointly directed by the 2e Bureau of superio control of the tunisian territory, the securite militaire, the Tunis police and the gendarmerie. The latter is more specifically charged, for Tunis only, to investigate on the French who had belonged to the SOL and the Parti populaire fran?ais (PPF). From the 8 may to the 28 of June 1943, it arrests 3255 people. On June 26 1943, general de Gaulle reproaches to general Mourot an excessive purge. He has to resign his post soon thereafter.

    That's about the extent I could find, though there is the odd reference to those facts here and there.

    Couldn't check his first name though.



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