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    Lieutenant Vladimir Sidorovich Pokusov

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    Guest Rick Research

    FIRST 1985 issued in an unexpectedly timely manner on 22 April 1985, same place, by Colonel I. Grishenko...

    but then the DUPLICATE :Cat-Scratch: 1985 was issued at the same place on 14 March 1986 by Lt Col Baklan!!!! :speechless1:

    Belgrade issued as Senior Lieutenant 31 August 1946 ALSO

    first two guesses do not count...

    by Leninsky Local Vets Comm, Kiev.

    So there is a consistency to the inklessness of that particular neighborhood.

    As another bit of good news, having NEVER MOVED in over 40 years, guess where he must have earned that 1971 OBH? :rolleyes:

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    Guest Rick Research

    Vet of Labor issued by Kiev City Soviet per 15 January 1979, and presented on 22 January 1979--

    maybe his 60th birthday (which would tie in neatly with draftee time in 1939)....

    1968 jubilee same place, 30 January 1975 ( :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1: ) by Major Kopalenko.

    He CAN'T have been in the Gulag-- he got an OBH in 1971 !!!!!!!!!

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    Guest Rick Research

    1978 same, issued 28.9.1979

    1988 surprisingly issued 22.2.88!!!

    1982 Kiev issued 22.4.1985 :banger:

    1970 Lenin


    SHEVCHENKOVSKOGO Raion Soviet, city of Kiev, day NOT filled in (something in the drinking water?) April 1970.

    #39 is a participation blanket mass citation for liberation of the city of Poltava, issued to him as Lt 25.9.43, with Feldpost unit stamp.

    #40 is same for the city of Kremenchug, on 1.10.43.

    #41 same for battles for Zvenigordka, Shyula, Smela, Boguslav, and Kanev, issued 15.9.44

    #42 same for liberation of Belgrade issued 22.10.44. (It gets better) :rolleyes:

    #43 same issued 18.12.44 for forcing the Duna north of the River Dvina and breaking through the enemy defenses on the west bank of the Danube

    #44 same for capturing/liberating :catjava: Bukarest, issued 18.9.44


    oh, Number 45

    Number 45 is the TEMPOORARY AWARD DOCUMENT issued for the LIBERATION OF BELGRADE MEDAL on 31 October 1945 and stating that

    Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Sidorovich Pokusov

    served in the capacity of commander of the Signals Company for Staff of the 233rd Rifles Division, 57th Army from 11.9.43 to 20.4.45 and was issued by commander of the 22nd Independent Reserve Regiment--apparently his demobilization unit.


    you have the mass-participation "citation" for Belgrade

    you have the TEMPORARY AWARD DOCUMENT for Belgrade (doing half the reserach job) AND


    trifecta! :jumping::jumping::jumping::jumping:

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    That'll do nicely. What I am after is a set of gallantry groups will all the WWII defense/liberation/capture medals present. Pray to the various gods for timely luck with the research (though the bravery medal is likely too early to generate much joy and my chance of ever doing a reunite are, what, 0% or less?).

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