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    Kazakov's Glory full cavalier set sold for USD 40.000,- :jumping:


    Kazokov's set had been sold for USD 40.000,- (incl. buyer's fee and current excange rate EUR vs. USD).

    Well, that's a good price for an unresearched and most likely non-category 1 cavalier set :D .

    Question: What might be the current market price for a completly researched category 1 set :unsure::rolleyes: ?

    Best regards :beer:


    BTW: It's interesting, that Igor's Glory full cavalier set - completly researched, category 2, Glory 1cl in 7/10 condition and some additional medals and badges - http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=19626 still remains unsold for the "bargain" price of USD 28.000,- :unsure: ?

    Glory full cavalier set at Enzo's auction


    I have checked the serial numbers of this set at MIR NAGRAD http://www.mirnagrad.ru/cgi-bin/exinform.c...;ич and the entry says, that the 3 Glories had been awarded to comrade Vasily Aleksandrovich Kazakov (Василий Александрович Казаков). All the serial numbers are correct.

    According to POBEDITELI http://www.pobediteli.ru/russia/povolzhye/...ya/k/index.html comrade Kazakov was borne on the 4th of March 1924, so he received his Glories as a rather young man.

    Enzo shows only two pages of the cavalier's booklet to us and so it's not possible, to make out the exact category (according to the classification of slava1stclass) of the set.

    The estimate of the set is - according to my humble opinion - at the current market level, I guess :unsure: : Full cavalier sets of the top categories are extremly rare and the Order of Glory is something very special in the history of the GPW.

    Best regards :beer:


    Edited by Christian Zulus
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    Klimenko's Glory 1cl not sold :(


    Klimenko's Glory 1cl remained unsold.

    I guess, that the reserve price had been too high and that the Russian collectors prefere full cavalier sets :unsure: .

    Best regards :beer:


    Glory 1cl s/n. 265 at Enzo's auction


    I have checked the serial number of this item at MIR NAGRAD http://www.mirnagrad.ru/cgi-bin/exinform.c...idimg=035ab.jpg and the entry says, that the Glory 1cl had been awarded to comrade Jakov Seliverstovich Klimenko (Яков Селиверстович Клименко).

    Историческая справка:

    КЛИМЕНКО Яков Селиверстович, род. в 1921 в с. Боровка ныне Макаровского р-на Киев обл. в семье крестьянина. Украинец. Член КПСС с 1943. Окончил 7 классов, курсы водителей. Работал в г. Новоград-Волынский Житомир, обл. В Кр. Армии с мая 1941. С началом Вел. Отеч. войны на фронте. Мех.-водитель танка Т-34 91-й танк, бригады (9-й мех. корпус, 3-я гв. танк, армия, 1-й Укр. фронт) ст. сержант К. в составе экипажа 18?20.7.44 в бою у с. Сасов (Золочевский р-н Львов, обл.) подавил пушку пр-ка, миномет, батарею, 3 пулемет, точки, разбил 6 автомобилей с боеприпасами, 7 повозок, истребил большое кол-во враж. солдат и офицеров. 12.8.44 нагр. орд. Славы 3 ст. 27.01.45 К. с экипажем в бою за нас. пункт Орнонтовице (13 км юго-зап. г. Глейвиц ? ныне Гливице, Польша) подбил 2 танка и 2 БТР. Гусеницами танка уничтожил 5 орудий, 3 пулемет, точки, 10 автомобилей, 4 повозки с боеприпасами и воен. имуществом, 3 мотоцикла и вывел из строя св. 20 гитлеровцев. 7.3.45 нагр. орд. Славы 2 ст. В боях 16.4?8.5.45, умело управляя танком при прорыве обороны пр-ка на подступах к Берлину, а также в уличных боях, огнем и гусеницами уничтожил много живой силы и техники пр-ка. 27.6.45 нагр. орд. Славы 1 ст. В 1945 демобилизован. Вернулся в родное село. Работал пред. колхоза. Нагр. орд. Отечественной войны 2 ст., Красной Звезды, медалями. Умер в апр. 1956.

    The estimate of the item is again - according to my humble opinion - at the current market level, I guess :unsure: .

    Best regards :beer:


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    • 10 years later...

    Hello Bob,

    I've sent you a PM.

    I quit working at the San Giorgio early in 2013, leaving that "ship" going full steam and hit its iceberg...

    As a general information, after the San Giorgio closed at the end of 2018, I've been told that all the remaining catalogues from past auctions have been sent to a recycling centre.

    It's possible that some survived. The catalogue of the "Red Auction" is now something collectors like to have.

    All the best,

    Enzo (E.L.)

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