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    Party Animals at Play

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    I almost threw this forward as a quiz, but not knowing the answer 100%, I thought that's be unfair.

    1- Who have we here? While I know some, my main interest is the the first full person on the left -- no pun intended -- Generalmajor Ewald Munschke (DDR), some of whose medals are in my custody and up on various threads here.

    2- What are they up to? What are they celebrating?

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    Celebrating? I thought they were clapping along to a nifty tune of some sort, the looks of concentration point to this.

    Something along the lines of "Hava Nagila" sung by tATu.

    These skimpely clad, nubile young russian pseudo lesbians can be seen in the desktop computer screens doing their song to a pulsing Euro Techno Pop beat, hence the concentrated looks by these dirty old men.


    ...what have I won ???

    Edited by Chris Boonzaier
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    A ". . . nubile young russian . . . ."??


    ahhhh...Ed... you are showing your age !!! No MTV I guess :lol:

    tATu are indeed nubile.... I prefer a good corn fed country girls, but the young Moscow metro teenie look has many a (just) post pubescent male saying "I'd have a bit of that!!"

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    So, I turned off my music video of TaTu as I heard that this was a good challenge and that I should try my hand... :cheeky: By the way, have you seen that video where they get n.. :off topic::speechless1:

    Okay, before I get myself banned, here's my thought...

    It's Zhukov, Golikov and Rokossovski. I'm 100% certain on the first two, but less certain on the third as I can't tell well enough from the side of the head.

    How did I do?


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    Dave . . . I wish I knew, I wish I knew. I knew #1 (M), was 99% sure on #2 (Z -- from the unmistakable square head etc.), and seek guidance from the Wise on #3, #4, and maybe even the Lesser Folk behind them.

    Thanks, Ed

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    No.4 looks an awful lot like Voroshilov. If I had to bet money on it I would go for Kliment Yefremovich.


    Looking at it again on another monitor, I think Kim has a point. I think that's a very old Voroshilov...

    That is my final answer!

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    Looking at it again on another monitor, I think Kim has a point. I think that's a very old Voroshilov...

    That is my final answer!

    Mustt be after 1968, as he is wearing two HSU-Stars. Here is a (free) picture from wikipedia.org

    He wears three HSU-stars on this picture, can someone tell me, what he got his third one for?


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    Voroshilov got his HSU 03.02.1956 and 22.02.1968, the HSL 07.05.1960. So he should be wearing them. But perhaps he is! His arm could be hiding the HSL. Or perhaps he just felt like being ALL army and "forgot" his labour award? Not likely. I think the hidden award theory is stronger.


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