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    Christmas Truce


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    Just finished reading Brown & Seaton's Christmas Truce. Utterly fantastic that something like that geniunely took place! While I understand the dynamics that brought it all about, and why it was only short lived, I cannot help but wonder what the course of following decades would have been had the truce become so widespread and effective as to force a political solution to the war rather than a military one.


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    I've actually been to the (suposed) field where the Saxons beat us in a game of football. It's hard to imagine that taking place along some parts of the front and in others they carried on firing as normal.

    I too have Brown & Seaton's book, a fantastic read I thought.


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    Whilst recently on an Air France flight, I watched the film "Joyeux Noel" which covers this event. Not a very exciting film but rather moving in places and worth watching I guess, if only to compare to the book you are reading. By the way, the film was in French with English subtitles.

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