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    Hello all, thanks for accepting me!  Please let me know if I'm putting this in the wrong Forum. New guy here,  well 64, so not as new as I'd like.  I'm a veteran of the Cold War,  H Company, 2 Squadron,11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. I was Stationed along the Southern Border of the East/West German Border from 1973 to 1975. Our main barracks were in Bad KIssingen, Germany. I'm a big fan of the Kalashnikov rifles and my collection is geared towards that time with Soviet and East German ak's, along with others. 

    I found this site while doing research on E German items so I decided to join. I'm an avid military oil bottle collector, with interests in Comm Block ak magazine pouches. I've put together an ID on both of those items. At the present time I'm waiting for several builds to be completed and am adding space in my office/gun room to display them. I'm also researching our unit's main opposing forces. Their Units ID's, what their combat arms were as well as locations, and the correct uniforms and gear for that approximate time frame. These are for display along with the ak's and US weapons. And like many novices have bought multiple items only to find out they are fakes or repros, so I am trying to get my information pinned down and will aquice items as money permits.

    I look forward to learning a lot as I read through the old posts looking for specific information. And please don't let a disjointed questions bother you. My brain seems to be skittering around most of the time. I'm not one to post a lot unless I can contribute, so please don't let my low post count equate to a casual user. 

    I'm also a proud father, 5th generation native Floridian and occasionally grumpy old man. Multiple medical issues make activity difficult. I posted a pic of my office with general collections. I'll need to shrink most. And if anyone has questions fell free to ask. I enjoy sharing and helping whenever I can.






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    Welcome to the forum.  Hopefully, you will gather the uniform information that you need here.  Another place you might be interested in looking for information of the=is kind is the DDR subforum on the Wehrmacht Awards Forum (WAF).  Don't let the title WAF scare you off.  There are some very knowledgeable DDR uniform members on this DDR sub forum.  Good luck in building your uniform collection.  You might wish to research books in this area as well.  There are some good ones in English and German. 




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