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    Fascist era (?) cross the chest belt badges

    Jersey Bouy

    Recommended Posts


    I hope you all survived the last year and 4 months.

    Question: are these Franco era badges, time period, and does anyone have pictures of them being worn?

    I'm pretty sure the Artillery buckle is Alphonso XIII period.

    Thank you.

    s-l1600 (1).jpg


    Edited by Jersey Bouy
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    My pleasure ! the crowned ones were of King Alfonso XIII reign .one of artillery, the other of Military logistic , Intendencia Militar in  Spanish. during the Franco Era a crown was used  over the badges but was a open topped type 

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    According to a Spanish website that sells replica badges the oval one with the St. Johns Eagle is:

    Medida: 6 x 4,20 cms. aprox. Sin imperdible. Placa del Cuerpo de Investigación periodo 1938-1942. Franco reorganizó este organismo y le incorporó el águila de San Juan. Posteriormente, le daría el nombre de Cuerpo General de Policía a partir del 1942.


    Which, according to google translate, means:


    Measure: 6 x 4.20 cms. approx. Without safety pin. Plate of the Investigation Corps period 1938-1942. Franco reorganized this body and incorporated the San Juan Eagle. Later, he would give it the name of the General Police Corps as of 1942


    They sell reproductions for 36.00 euros each or $ 42.79 USD.

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    POLICE GENERAL CORPS PLATE 1942 . Plaque of the extinct general police force period 1942 - 1954, Franco period. Observe the eagle of San Juan, and read the legends "A great free" and "General Directorate of Security".

    Measure: 5 x 4 cms. High quality metal. Flat without safety pin.


    • This is the 1942 version dating mine from between 1939-1942.


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    Muchas gracias por la información sobre mi hebilla.
    ¿Considerarías que esta es una hebilla difícil de encontrar?
    ¿Es deseable para los coleccionistas en España?
    ¡Mantenerse sano!

    Edited by Jersey Bouy
    spelling correction
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