T0deswanderer Posted October 12, 2024 Posted October 12, 2024 What could be the reason for the Cross of Military Merit to be delivered with an alternative red/black ribbon ( similar to the one on the Commander of the Armed Forces Gold Cross )?
Ura87 Posted October 13, 2024 Author Posted October 13, 2024 (edited) On 12/10/2024 at 03:07, T0deswanderer said: What could be the reason for the Cross of Military Merit to be delivered with an alternative red/black ribbon ( similar to the one on the Commander of the Armed Forces Gold Cross )? I do not have accurate information about this. Edited October 13, 2024 by Ura87
Ura87 Posted October 13, 2024 Author Posted October 13, 2024 On 11/02/2023 at 16:58, Ura87 said: Military-Civil Administration of the city of Toretsk, Donetsk region "For the defense of the city of Toretsk" (За оборону міста Торецьк). I think this is a version of the medal, the ribbon is most likely from another award.
Megan Posted October 14, 2024 Posted October 14, 2024 Which ribbon do you believe is the correct one?
mboro Posted October 15, 2024 Posted October 15, 2024 (edited) On 12/10/2024 at 02:07, T0deswanderer said: What could be the reason for the Cross of Military Merit to be delivered with an alternative red/black ribbon ( similar to the one on the Commander of the Armed Forces Gold Cross )? 😎👇 On 11/12/2023 at 19:31, mboro said: Those red-black ribbons directly refers to the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) decoration – Cross of Combat Merit (Хрест Бойової Заслуги). But there is no explanation about use of these ribbons on modern Cross of Military Merit use. Edited October 15, 2024 by mboro
Ura87 Posted October 17, 2024 Author Posted October 17, 2024 On 14/10/2024 at 10:55, Megan said: Which ribbon do you believe is the correct one? Blue and yellow ribbon
Megan Posted October 18, 2024 Posted October 18, 2024 Thank you, that's what I thought but best to check 🤓
T0deswanderer Posted October 26, 2024 Posted October 26, 2024 On 13/12/2022 at 16:24, Megan said: It's still growing... got the State Awards done (except new ones appear), some Ministry of Defence and some Ministry of Internal Affairs. Still hunting other ministry awards and then there are all the cities, etc. There will be a PDF eventually. I may even investigate print on demand for those who prefer a 'dead tree' book. That way you don't have the expense of a print run and the real advantage is that it never goes out of print! And you can add new stuff when it appears, just change the master PDF. Are the Facebook medal groups easy to find? Maybe I shall try it next year. You’re missing the Awards of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, not to be confused with the Awards of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine ( you have those ). You can find those here https://uht-org-ua.translate.goog/forum/viewforum.php?f=154&sid=cf54997e9089fa6806c3ad46eca43019&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_sch=http and here https://uk-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Відзнаки_Головнокомандувача_Збройних_сил_України?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp the ones you have are from before June 2022 ( The post of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was separated from the post of Chief of the General Staff on March 27, 2020 in accordance with Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Armed Forces of Ukraine". Until June 2022, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces used the Chief of the General Staff badge system. The honorary badges of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are established in accordance with the Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine No. 411 of December 23, 2021 "On the honorary badges of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", which finally entered into force on June 1, 2022: ) they look like picture yiu can see the ‘for the help of the army’ that has been shared here is part of that batch, there are also pictures of actual medals not symbol pictures on the first link, sometimes with recepients, ive seen these being handed out at least since September 2022 i’m not sure about the order of wear with the 4 crosses, sometimes it says Brave,Steel,Silver,Gold sometimes Brave,Gold,Silver,Steel though On 31/08/2024 at 02:30, Rocket said: My son Andrew Peters was finally awarded the Order for Courage III Class for his service and sacrifice in helping defend the people of Ukraine. I attended the award ceremony on August 29th in Washington DC. August 29th is the "National Memorial Day of Defenders of Ukraine". A total of 7 families of fallen American volunteers attended the event. Needless to say, it was a very emotional event with not a dry eye in the house. As a token of my appreciation I gave the ambassador one of Andrew's spare U.S. Army dog tags. She got quite emotional by the gesture, as did I. I don't know if or when Andrew might receive any other awards. Maybe once this terrible war is finally over. John The medal in the back left is the combatants cross of the commander in chief of the armed forces the seven in front are order for courage III, no idea on the one back right
Megan Posted October 27, 2024 Posted October 27, 2024 Thank you for the links...Do intend to include them, but have been doing other nations recently and time for medals is limited by work being busy! Some day, some day... 🤓
mboro Posted October 27, 2024 Posted October 27, 2024 That 'last one' is the Decoration of Honor of the Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "For Service". https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Нагрудний_знак_«За_службу»&wprov=rarw1 😎
T0deswanderer Posted October 27, 2024 Posted October 27, 2024 You sir have truly the eyes of an eagle 🙂
Ura87 Posted December 12, 2024 Author Posted December 12, 2024 Award "For Courage and Bravery" (За Мужність та відвагу) of the Korosten City Council: https://korosten.today/korosten/suspilstvo/u-korosteni-rodynam-bilsh-iak-50-zahyblykh-heroiv-khochut-vruchyty-posmertni-vidznaky-za-muzhnist-ta-vidvahu.html
T0deswanderer Posted Saturday at 20:38 Posted Saturday at 20:38 How legit are these medals ( seen on eBay ) ?
T0deswanderer Posted Saturday at 23:49 Posted Saturday at 23:49 It seems the first one can be bought at various places with different clasps like here Kharkiv , Bakhmut, Mariupol
Megan Posted Monday at 09:29 Posted Monday at 09:29 Not state issued, but may be semi-official. Ukraine has a long tradition of multiple issuers of awards. As well as the actual state, you have various government ministries with their own panoply of awards, which are generally regarded as official (at least, the government makes periodic attempts to rein them in!), then cities and regions issue their own... and the past few years has seen a spate of army commanders at various levels presenting their own awards to the troops under their command! Many of these sit somewhere between an award and a 'membership badge' for the formation in question. Then there are several manufacturers who produce medals that you can purchase, and who also do commission work - they supply many of the semi-official awards I was talking about, and offer design services to, well, anyone who wants to award medals! It's a bit of a nightmare trying to keep track. I just collect the images, then ask lots of questions to try to bottom out who's awarding them, for what, and to whom...
mboro Posted Monday at 15:12 Posted Monday at 15:12 Hi! The "tradition" of so-called "open decorations system" is quite popular in Ukraine (and Russia as well). Both decorations you showed (Medal "To the Unbreakable Heroes of the Russo-Ukrainian War" and Medal "For Courage" /2nd pattern/) are issued by the VGO (VGO = All-Ukrainian Association of Citizens) "Kraina". It is semi-commercial (you can buy it), but the real value have decorations bestowed by military units, notable persons and VGO "Kraina" itself (which is indicated i.a. by stamps on decoration's ID cards); the lists of awarded persons are present on VGO's site. Check those links: (1A) https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/award/medal-nezlamnim-rosijsko-ukrayinska- (1B) https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/award/reyestr-medali-nezlamnim-geroyam-rosijsko-ukrayins (1C) https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/award/reyestr-nagorodzhenih-medallyu-nezlamnim-rosijsko- (1D) https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/award/medal-nezlamnim-geroyam-rosijsko-ukrayinskoyi-vijn (2A) https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/award/medal-za-vidvagu-2 (2B) https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/award/medal-za-vidvagu-z-nakladkoyu-na-kolodci Best regards.
T0deswanderer Posted Monday at 18:22 Posted Monday at 18:22 Ah so do I understand this right, if commander Danilo wants to award his boys he orders a set of these and hands them out with documents and stamps and what, and then it’s kindof official worn below more official awards, but in principal Alexandr who works at the car dealership in Lviv and likes shiny medals can buy himself one and there will be a certificate from Vgo-Kraina with it. But there won’t be a stamp from the army on it. Did I get that right ?
mboro Posted Tuesday at 20:07 Posted Tuesday at 20:07 (edited) Something like that. I assume, that there is a path for collectors. However, there are internal regulations for military-dedicated decorations especially: https://vto-orden.com.ua/catalog/layer/statuti-nagorod-vgokrayina For those two medals as well (sorry for google translations) 👇 Медаль "НЕЗЛАМНИМ ГЕРОЯМ РОСІЙСЬКО-УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ВІЙНИ" 1. Знак народної пошани - Медаль "НЕЗЛАМНИМ ГЕРОЯМ РОСІЙСЬКО-УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ВІЙНИ" (надалі - медаль) - це недержавна загальноукраїнська відзнака з особливим статусом, започаткована з метою сприяння становленню поваги суспільства до захисників вітчизни. Незламним Героям російсько-української війни, які боронять Україну на усіх фронтах: бійцям ЗСУ та волонтерам, членам ДФТГ, всім українцям та іноземцям, які допомагають нам подолати агресора 2. Медаль започатковано для нагородження за мужність, самовідданість та зразкове виконання службового обов’язку. 3. Медаллю МОЖУТЬ БУТИ НАГОРОДЖЕНІ: - військовослужбовці; - бійці ТРо, - працівники правоохоронних органів; - учасники інших військових формувань; - особи рядового та начальницького складу; - інші громадяни України; - громадяни інших держав. 4. ПРАВО НАГОРОДЖУВАТИ медаллю надається: - керівникам областей, районів, міст та сіл України; - головам територіальних громад; - головам громадських організацій та спілок; - керівникам міністерств, відомств та силових структур України; - командирам в/ч; - начальникам/командирам правоохоронних та спеціальних підрозділів; - керівникам підприємств державної та приватної форм власності, - керівникам інших підприємств, установ та організацій, які є громадянами України, - гідні громадяни України 5. Медаль носиться на лівому боці грудей після Державних нагород України, Державних нагород інших країн та відомчих заохочувальних відзнак України. 7. Девіз медалі - "За оборону України". Medal "To the Unbreakable Heroes of the Russo-Ukrainian War" 1. Badge of National Honor - Medal "To the Unbreakable Heroes of the Russo-Ukrainian War" (hereinafter referred to as the medal) is a non-state all-Ukrainian award with a special status, established to promote the formation of public respect for the defenders of the homeland. To the Unbreakable Heroes of the Russo-Ukrainian War, who defend Ukraine on all fronts: soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteers, members of the DFTG, all Ukrainians and foreigners who help us defeat the aggressor 2. The medal was established to reward courage, selflessness and exemplary performance of official duty. 3. The medal MAY BE AWARDED TO: - military personnel; - combatants of the Special Forces; - law enforcement officers; - members of other military formations; - private and commanding personnel; - other citizens of Ukraine; - citizens of other states. 4. THE RIGHT TO AWARD THE MEDAL is granted to: - heads of regions, districts, cities and villages of Ukraine; - heads of territorial communities; - heads of public organizations and unions; - heads of ministries, departments and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine; - commanders of military units; - chiefs/commanders of law enforcement and special units; - heads of state and private enterprises, - heads of other enterprises, institutions and organizations who are citizens of Ukraine, - worthy citizens of Ukraine 5. The medal is worn on the left side of the chest after the State Awards of Ukraine, State Awards of other countries and departmental incentive awards of Ukraine. 7. The motto of the medal is "For the Defense of Ukraine". СТАТУТ медалі «ЗА ВІДВАГУ» 1. Знак народної пошани - медаль "За відвагу" (надалі - медаль) - це недержавна загальноукраїнська відзнака з особливим статусом, започаткована з метою становлення поваги суспільства до героїв АТО, які в складних умовах служби довели свою вірність обов’язку та народу України. 2. Медаль "За відвагу" започаткована для нагородження за особисту мужність та відвагу, проявлені під час ведення бойових дій в найгарячіших точках зони АТО. 3. Медаллю МОЖУТЬ БУТИ НАГОРОДЖЕНІ громадяни України, громадяни інших держав та особи без громадянства. 4. ПРАВО НАГОРОДЖУВАТИ медаллю надається: - командирам в/ч; - начальникам/командирам правоохоронних та спеціальних підрозділів; - волонтерам та іншим свідомим громадянам України; - керівникам областей, районів, міст та сіл України; - головам територіальних громад; - головам громадських організацій та спілок; - керівникам міністерств, відомств та силових структур України; - керівникам підприємств державної та приватної форм власності, - керівникам інших підприємств, установ та організацій, - гідні громадяни України 5. Виписка з Наказу надається вищезазначеним особам за умов надання до Секретаріату ВО "КРАЇНА" списку нагороджених за затвердженою формою в електронному вигляді. 6. Медаль носиться на лівому боці грудей після Державних нагород України, Державних нагород інших країн та відомчих заохочувальних відзнак України. 7. Девіз медалі - "Відвага та Честь". STATUS of the medal "FOR COURAGE" 1. The sign of national honor - the medal "For Courage" (hereinafter referred to as the medal) - is a non-state all-Ukrainian award with a special status, established with the aim of establishing public respect for the heroes of the ATO, who in difficult service conditions proved their loyalty to duty and the people of Ukraine. 2. The medal "For Courage" was established to award for personal courage and bravery shown during combat operations in the hottest spots of the ATO zone. 3. The medal MAY BE AWARDED to citizens of Ukraine, citizens of other states and stateless persons. 4. THE RIGHT TO AWARD the medal is granted to: - commanders of military units; - chiefs/commanders of law enforcement and special units; - volunteers and other conscientious citizens of Ukraine; - heads of regions, districts, cities and villages of Ukraine; - heads of territorial communities; - heads of public organizations and unions; - heads of ministries, departments and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine; - heads of state and private enterprises, - heads of other enterprises, institutions and organizations, - worthy citizens of Ukraine 5. An extract from the Order is provided to the above-mentioned persons on the condition that they provide the Secretariat of the "KRAINA" Military District with a list of awardees in the approved form in electronic form. 6. The medal is worn on the left side of the chest after the State Awards of Ukraine, State Awards of other countries and departmental incentive awards of Ukraine. 7. The motto of the medal is "Courage and Honor". To be sure - try to contact with VGO. 😉 Best regards. ✌️ Edited Tuesday at 20:10 by mboro
T0deswanderer Posted Tuesday at 20:40 Posted Tuesday at 20:40 I see 🙂 now it makes sense thank you _||_
T0deswanderer Posted 8 hours ago Posted 8 hours ago There seems to be another version of the award for foreign fighters now, the previously posted version seems to be for civil volunteers now according to the vgo-Orden website Manufactured by WTO "ORDEN" Award with special status Badge of National Honor "FOR OUR AND YOUR FREEDOM" The award is given exclusively to foreigners: legionnaires, military personnel, and volunteers who, with weapons in their hands, support Ukraine in its struggle for its independence during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Date of establishment: January 1, 2023 The motto of the award: "Together we will win. Simul ad victoriam "
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