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    Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) (Geo.VI) 169864 S/Sgt. D.E. Smith, S.A.T.C.;
    1939-45 Star; Africa Star, Italy Star; DM; WM; ASM 169864 D.E. Smith.


    The DCM citation is worded as follows:
    “For gallantry, determination and devotion to duty. On 5th June, 1942, S/Sgt. Smith was Section Commander of a Section of Armoured Cars that co-operated under command of Lt. Hugo with a column from 151 Brigade.


    Proceeding West and forming a screening patrol for the Infantry and Artillery in the column the armoured cars located an enemy dug-in Infantry position.


    S/Sgt. Smith leading his Section in the attack on his position with marked courage and coolness and with complete disregard of personal safety, assisted in the capture of the position and the taking of 2 - 20 mm guns, many machine guns and 300 prisoners.

    Shortly afterwards an enemy battery was reported by the armoured cars 1 mile further South. Again S/Sgt. Smith led his Section in an attack that resulted in the position being taken together with 3 Officers and 26 other ranks.


    The patrol was later attacked by 14 enemy fighter aircraft and S/Sgt. Smith was wounded in the buttocks and legs. With complete disregard of his own injuries he proceeded from armoured car to armoured car ascertaining whether any of his men had been wounded and rendering what assistance he could.

    His conduct throughout the operations was an inspiration to his men and his courage, tenacity and devotion to duty contributed largely to the success of these operations.”

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