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    Getting ready to travel



    Some of you may remember my situation with my Mom. Due to health reasons I moved her from Austin, Texas to West Richland, Washington on May 28th. She has a house now with my daughter living with her as a primary care giver. We had not been able to finalize the sale of her house in Austin so that has been hanging over us for the last 4 months.

    Well-Saturday (10/22) I fly to Austin to close on the house :jumping: on the 26th and THEN, get to have my RAV 4 back! Of course, I then have a week or so to drive back to Washington (but just think of the opportunities to collect more "stuff" along the way as well. :love:

    Just wanted to share. Hope I can get a few more shots to enter before the contest closes.

    Have a GREAT weekend folks
    God Bless (and thanks for your continued prayers for me and my Mom [she is doing much better])


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    Ed - have a safe trip and I hope there are no problems with the house sale. You have until Monday week for extra entries. Please give your Mother my very best wishes. Mervyn

    Thanks Mervyn,

    I am still trying to snatch a few shots now and then and post them. I have no regular internet access as we have had Mom's service disconnected so I am at trhe mercy of unsecured signals now and then. Anyway, maybe someone will try to hijack my site and find this one :-)

    I plan on leaving Austin Thursday morning and driving a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-ll the way to El Paso and spending the night at Fort Bliss. EIGHT hours on the road and I am STILL in Texas :-o

    One of the few advantages retired military get is being able to stay on military installations for around $35.00 (US) a night [space available of course].

    Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.


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