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    Gordon Williamson

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    Posts posted by Gordon Williamson

    1. The eagles head is smaller and the neck is longer on the one posted by Mike

      Nope, they are the same. Just the photo makes them look different. Actually, its quite difficult to see on this image, but all four arms of the swastika are cut out. Look at the Schickle and Mayer examples and the top arm of the swastika is solid. What looks like a solid arm on Michel's photo is the pin showing through from the back of the badge.

    2. When it comes to out and out fakes there are plenty of these too. Most of the common fakes have an obvious error. Here is a genuine Panzerschiff Deustchland band. Then look at the way the word Panzerschiff is done on the fake. The letter "s" on the fake is shown as a Gothic S , not the correct "stroke" type s.

      It has been suggested that both types of S were used on originals. That is true, but there were strict gramatical rules are to where in the word it could appear. NO original bands used the gothic style "s" in the word schiff where the word schiff was the suffix. Same with the word "schule" in e.g. Unterseebootsschule. The s at the end of Unterseeboots is correctly Gothic, but the S that begins the word "Schule" must be the stroke type, so you have both types in the same word, but in the correct places grammatically.

    3. Most of the stuff worn by U-Boat crews was regular naval issue. One of the few things ( along with the U-Boat badges and their documents) which were only worn by U-Boat men were the specific cap ribbons.

      Here are the training school ribbons. The Unterseebootsabwehrschule designation was a "disguise" to suggest they were being trained in defences against submarines, but this was in fact the first "secret" U-Boat training school.

      All U-Boat ribbons range from hard to find up to super rare, none are common

    4. As part of my interest in U-Boat stuff, I decided to try and get examples of all the normal cloth headgear worn by a typical U-Boat crew, based on photographic evidence. This in fact covers a wide range including the tropical helmet ( which I haven't got yet) bizarre though it seems to think of people clambering through narrow U-Boat hatches with big sun helmets !

      We have Michel as a member, and he has what I guess is one of the finest

      U-Boat collections in existence, so if we are lucky we may see some of his too.

      Here are a few of mine.

      Officers Bordm?tze

    5. What makes this last one particularly interesting is that is an "Airmail" letter with the Luftfeldpost stamp. One of the last letters to get out of Stalingrad as the Germans lost their last airfield just a few days after this letter was written.

      This group had clearly been kept together by the family after the war. Sad that at some point they must have decided to dispose of it all, especially these letter from the two brothers killed in Stalingrad !

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